Save the date: Tue. June 6 in Grosseto (Southern Tuscany) the Summer calendar presented @ Caffé Ricasoli

Tuesday, June 6, from 4PM to 8PM at Caffé Ricasoli, in via Ricasoli 20, Grosseto, there will be a presentation of the second part of the 2017 combined calendar of events, by, and other partnering subjects. 2017 started as a peculiar year, as it marks the tenth anniversary of an initiative which was a … Continue reading Save the date: Tue. June 6 in Grosseto (Southern Tuscany) the Summer calendar presented @ Caffé Ricasoli

Round 1 with BuioMetria at Parco Nord Milano (Sep 12-13)

This is mostrly directect to Milanese folks interested in getting involved with our activities at the Ninth Biodiversity Festival at Parco Nord Milano [TO BE TRANSLATED AND ABRIDGED] Dopo la presentazione durante l’inaugurazione, di venerdì 11, la presenza della BuioMetria Partecipativa al nono Festival della Biodiversità del Parco Nord Milano è proseguita con uno spazio … Continue reading Round 1 with BuioMetria at Parco Nord Milano (Sep 12-13)

BuioMetria Partecipativa in Pistoia (Tuscany)

[TO BE TRANSLATED] Venerdì 30 maggio, dalle 17 alle 19 a Pistoia, nell’Atrio del Museo Marini (Corso Fedi, 72) si terrà una presentazione dal titolo “Ci rubano il cielo stellato? Tutto ciò che non si sa sulla luce artificiale di notte” a cura dell’ Ing. Andrea Giacomelli dell’associazione L’intervento aprirà una tre giorni di … Continue reading BuioMetria Partecipativa in Pistoia (Tuscany)

Opening of the 2014 buiometria partecipativa campaign at La Combriccola – Torniella

[TO BE TRANSLATED] L’incontro si è svolto dalle 14.30 alle 17 circa, presso il bar vineria La Combriccola di Torniella, frazione di Roccastrada (GR), nel versante sud della valle del Farma. Chi trovate fra le 14.30 e le 17 circa di un febbraio caldo e grigio nel versante sud della valle del Farma, con una … Continue reading Opening of the 2014 buiometria partecipativa campaign at La Combriccola – Torniella


Andrea GIACOMELLI, Luciano MASSETTI, Francesco SABATINI, Elena MAGGI, Participatory Dark Sky Quality Monitoring from Italy: interactions between awareness raising and research, International Journal of Sustainable Lighting (Vol. 35, no. 1) – Feb. 2017 Christopher C. M. Kyba, Kai Pong Tong, Jonathan Bennie, Ignacio Birriel, Jennifer J. Birriel, Andrew Cool, Arne Danielsen, Thomas W. Davies, Peter … Continue reading Publications

Hotel Lombardi

A small, convenient and cozy hotel in Florence, Italy. Strategically located between the Santa Maria Novella railway station and the centre, it is run by Vincenzo and Valeria Albanese. The hotel serves as a stop point in Florence and also as a location for some of the initiatives. web site:

Between Dusk and Dawn: an exhibition after the 2010 photo contest

A selection of twenty among the best shots between the almost 1000 submitted to the Between Dusk and Dawn photo contest organized by pibinko in 2010, was provided for ah exhibition in 2000, in the context of the 19th Toscana Foto Festival. For more information, please see the page on light and darkness services by … Continue reading Between Dusk and Dawn: an exhibition after the 2010 photo contest