A Northern Macedonia evening at Il Boscaiolo, Torniella, Southern Tuscany, June 21, 2020: How did it go?

The first event of the Jug Band Colline Metallifere conce[r|p]t season was a great success. On this round we had a “concept”. The topic was the cultural twinning of the forest areas in the boundary area between Grosseto and Siena in Southern Tuscany, and the Republic of North Macedonia del Nord. You may find a … Continue reading A Northern Macedonia evening at Il Boscaiolo, Torniella, Southern Tuscany, June 21, 2020: How did it go?

Lithology: Public and Geologists Collaborate (Science Connected, Apr. 13, 2020)

An article by Andrea Giacomelli (pseudonym used by Jack O’Malley when he plays as environmental engineer) about the Participatory Lithology project, written for Science Connected Magazine: https://magazine.scienceconnected.org/2020/04/lithology-public-and-geologists-collaborate/ Per more information: Science” version: http://www.pibinko.org/participatorylithology/ “Arts” version”: http://www.pibinko.org/jugbandcollinemetallifere/participatory-lithology/ Other information and booking: micalosapevo@pibinko.org.

Participatory Lithology: Options for Sponsors

versione 31.3.2020 To understand what Participatory Lithology is, and how we are proposing it, we encourage you to read the summary of the project’s first week (March 21-27, 2020). In the project we have considered four roles: collectors, classifiers, entertainers, and sponsors. To consider the effort involved in the project, you may review what the … Continue reading Participatory Lithology: Options for Sponsors

“Between a Rock and a hard Phase”: our first week with Participatory Lithology (Mar. 21-27)

We might not be starting a weekly reporting of this initiative, but we want to make sure we can remember the first seven days. We had the possibility of experiencing a series of events which proved to be interesting, curious, and at times genuinely entertaining. All this in the midst of an extremely severe situation, … Continue reading “Between a Rock and a hard Phase”: our first week with Participatory Lithology (Mar. 21-27)

#art&technology: The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band from Southern Tuscany (ASEF360.org)

An article written for the Asia-Europe Cultural Foundation by Jack O’Malley, setting the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band (i.e.Jug Band Colline Metallifere) in the “arts & technology” stream, and some personal anecdotes. The article is available here. For more information on the Jug Band Colline Metallifere (and to inquire for a performance): jugbandcm@pibinko.org or http://www.jugbandcm.it (site … Continue reading #art&technology: The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band from Southern Tuscany (ASEF360.org)

May 22, 2019: Presentation of the pibinko.org Network in Brussels @ Piola Libri

A PDF version (3.5 Mb), is also available, suitable for hard copies In this event Andrea Giacomelli, aka pibinko or Jack O’Malley, will provide an overview of the pibinko.org network and its activities in the promotion and protection of lesser known assets in the areas of culture, environment, and open innovation. In the same evening … Continue reading May 22, 2019: Presentation of the pibinko.org Network in Brussels @ Piola Libri

Migration of pibinko’s images from an image sharing platform to pibinko.org

Following a workshop with Jack O’Malley, Giancarlo da Miele, Luca Guerrieri, and Rocco Colangelo, we took the decision of migrating the photos currently shared via a common image sharing service to the pibinko.org web site. Since most of these shots are related to the documentation of projects and events that we manage, having the photos … Continue reading Migration of pibinko’s images from an image sharing platform to pibinko.org

What is a drummer and PhD in Hydrology doing in Florence selling archaeological tourism destinations?

Jack O’Malley, drummer and scientific director of the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band, at the end of the preparation of the pibinko.org seller table at the “Buy Cultural Tourism” session at TourismA, the national fair of cultural and archaeological tourism. To appreciate what a percussionist and PhD in hydrology is doing by selling archaeological tourism destinations … Continue reading What is a drummer and PhD in Hydrology doing in Florence selling archaeological tourism destinations?

The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band during the “Live and vynils Night” in Torniella, Tuscany

sabato 5/1/2019 a Torniella (GR) con: Peter Crivelli, guitars and vocals Wolfgang Scheibe, one-string bass Dario Canal, lead vocals, guitar, washboard Jack O’Malley, drums, guitar, vocals Simone Sandrucci, guitars, vocals Fabiano Spinosi, drums Peter Marini (guitars and vocals in “Noi non siamo figli” and “Sognando il Vaticano”, then transforming into Pyro DJ with his vynils … Continue reading The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band during the “Live and vynils Night” in Torniella, Tuscany