Sep. 27, 2018: Etruschi & Friends Country Session at the White Rabbit Hole in Tuscany

On Thursday, Sep. 27, 2018 we were invited at the Tana del Bianconiglio (White Rabbit Hole) recording studio in Montecchio, a tiny village not far from Pisa, for a recording session putting together three generations and moods from different latitudes. Let’s see who was there, and how they got to this spot. The line-up The headliners, and hosts, … Continue reading Sep. 27, 2018: Etruschi & Friends Country Session at the White Rabbit Hole in Tuscany

…from the Etruscan print shop in the secret hills (crowdfunding video for Etruschi from Lakota)

A video I produced for the crowdfunding of the third album from Etruschi from Lakota. Please go to the Musicraiser campaign (closing on July 1st)…with many Kudos to Wolfgang Scheibe and Tattistampa: in addition to creating the T-shirts he also lent to Dario Canal the washboard that you see lately in their live shows, in … Continue reading …from the Etruscan print shop in the secret hills (crowdfunding video for Etruschi from Lakota)


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Wolfgang Scheibe

Born in Germany in 1947, in 2007 he relocated in Tatti, Southern Tuscany, after stay in various European and American states. Here he installed a small print shop, where he crafts shirts, posters, and other graphic products. In between graphics, Wolfgang works as a bio-dynamic agriculture consultant, and plays his self-made (44 years ago) one-string … Continue reading Wolfgang Scheibe

A little “participatory lithology” exercise from Southern Tuscany

Here is a new initiative by the network: culture, environment, open innovation, and music since 2007. Following the wave of projects such as M(‘)appare Milano, BuioMetria Partecipativa on light pollution, and the community map in various parts of the Tuscan Metalliferous Hills (Farma Valley, Tatti, Roccastrada), we now give you a story in the … Continue reading A little “participatory lithology” exercise from Southern Tuscany