TattiStampa: hand-made prints with “Ape” from Southern Tuscany

Wolfgang Scheibe is a multi-faceted character (graphic designer, biodynamic advisor, and musician) who relocated over ten years ago from Germany to Maremma, Southern Tuscany. In the move from Baden-Württemberg to the Tuscan hills, among other peculiarities of these places he made contact with one of the icons of Italian rural settings: the Ape Piaggio. This … Continue reading TattiStampa: hand-made prints with “Ape” from Southern Tuscany


The smallest print shop in Maremma, Southern Tuscany. Hand-made prints from Linoleum and wood blocks. Over seventy motives based on the Ape Piaggio traditional three-wheeler: vegetable, fruit, animals and other motives on request. Wolfgang Scheibe, typesetter and bio-dynamic advisor. For information and prices: tattistampa@tiscali.it Official website (in English): https://www.tattistampa.com/

“Ape in Giro”: an exhibition by Tattistampa in Follonica, Tuscany (Dec. 6, 2019 / Jan. 5, 2020)

The multi-talented Wolfgang Scheibe helps you approach the Christmas holidays with a selection of some fifty of his hand-made prints, which you may visit at Altrimondi in Follonica, Tuscany, from Dec. 6. For the opening of the exhibition there will also be wine tasting with products from local biodynamic farms, as well as the presence … Continue reading “Ape in Giro”: an exhibition by Tattistampa in Follonica, Tuscany (Dec. 6, 2019 / Jan. 5, 2020)

Politecnico di Milano, May 30, 2019: From Sound Engineering to Engineering with Sound + DICA goes to Maremma

Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, Aula Citrini, 4PM-7PM (the actual time within this range will be confirmed ASAP). Thursday, May 30, Politecnico di Milano will host a very peculiar event. This will be a lecture where a talk about sustainability on inner rural areas of Southern Tuscany will be mixed with live music performed by … Continue reading Politecnico di Milano, May 30, 2019: From Sound Engineering to Engineering with Sound + DICA goes to Maremma

Mar. 16, 2019 / Amish from Jack White & Friends @ Dribbling Bar Grosseto, Tuscany

Also featuring Jack O’Malley and Wolfgang Scheibe from the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band Gli Amish from Jack White sono un progetto nato un paio di anni fa dall’incrocio fra Dario Canal, frontman degli Etruschi from Lakota, e Alessio Ricci, chitarrista dei Crimson Thunder di Piombino. Galeotto fu il teatro, e dopo la collaborazione nella preparazione … Continue reading Mar. 16, 2019 / Amish from Jack White & Friends @ Dribbling Bar Grosseto, Tuscany


please note: Videos for the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band (Jug Band Colline Metallifere) are proposed in a dedicate page on the JBCM web site: http://www.pibinko.org/jugbandcollinemetallifere/videos/ Shorts, in reverse date order. Nine videos are co-productions (with: Lucio Monocrom, Orsola Sinisi, Francesco Giubbilini, Manuel Schianchi). Some videos are, intentionally, “lo-fi”, instant productions. Others follow a detailed production … Continue reading Videos

The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band during the “Live and vynils Night” in Torniella, Tuscany

sabato 5/1/2019 a Torniella (GR) con: Peter Crivelli, guitars and vocals Wolfgang Scheibe, one-string bass Dario Canal, lead vocals, guitar, washboard Jack O’Malley, drums, guitar, vocals Simone Sandrucci, guitars, vocals Fabiano Spinosi, drums Peter Marini (guitars and vocals in “Noi non siamo figli” and “Sognando il Vaticano”, then transforming into Pyro DJ with his vynils … Continue reading The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band during the “Live and vynils Night” in Torniella, Tuscany