Round 1 with BuioMetria at Parco Nord Milano (Sep 12-13)

This is mostrly directect to Milanese folks interested in getting involved with our activities at the Ninth Biodiversity Festival at Parco Nord Milano [TO BE TRANSLATED AND ABRIDGED] Dopo la presentazione durante l’inaugurazione, di venerdì 11, la presenza della BuioMetria Partecipativa al nono Festival della Biodiversità del Parco Nord Milano è proseguita con uno spazio … Continue reading Round 1 with BuioMetria at Parco Nord Milano (Sep 12-13)

A report on the Sep 8, 2015 meeting in Ribolla

The meeting, held at the Civic Centre of Ribolla, a former mining village in Southern Tuscany, was attended by about 15 people, including the presence of the administrators from the Municipality of Roccastrada. Some of the citizens and public authorities who previously expressed their interest in participating then wrote they could not come and apologised. … Continue reading A report on the Sep 8, 2015 meeting in Ribolla

About me

For some links with a summary of 2023 activities, please see: My name is Andrea Giacomelli, aka pibinko. This is the phonetic transcription of the Sardinian word pipinco (or pipincu), meaning extremely meticulous. The situations documented on this site are made possible by a team which we refer to as the “ network”. The … Continue reading About me

Thu. Nov. 22, 2018: Planning the upper half of the landscape at Politecnico di Milano with the BuioMetria Partecipativa project

Thursday, Nov. 22, 2018 from 2.30PM to 3.30PM with the landscape planning  course at the Faculty of Architecture, Politecnico di Milano (via Bonardi),  there will be a seminar on  Planning the “upper half of the landscape” (pianificare l’altra metà del paesaggio, in Italian) where we will explain the BuioMetria Partecipativa point of view on this topic. … Continue reading Thu. Nov. 22, 2018: Planning the upper half of the landscape at Politecnico di Milano with the BuioMetria Partecipativa project

The BuioMetria Partecipativa project in the International Dark Sky Week 2017

It’s not really our choice, but in several cases when we schedule public measurement seassions with the BuioMetria Partecipativa project we then get overcast weather conditions. In fact, one of the triggers of the project, back in 2008, was to minimize the impact of Murphy’s Law by disconnecting the measurements from the expert and from a specific … Continue reading The BuioMetria Partecipativa project in the International Dark Sky Week 2017

Apr. 7, 2017: At the confluence of Farma and Cecina a webinar on geomatics, environment, and music

Note: see also the official invitation published on March 31st Experts in Tuscan hydrology might be puzzled recalling that the confluence of the Farma Creek and the Cecina river does not exist. In fact, they are not even part of the same catchment, so what’s up? However, at times confluences may be created among territories and … Continue reading Apr. 7, 2017: At the confluence of Farma and Cecina a webinar on geomatics, environment, and music