The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band

To book the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band: write to or call +393317539228 IMPORTANT: Check out, for videos, blog, a more details Find all articles on the MHJB with the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band tag. A musical collective born at the beginning of 2017 following the meeting of Etruschi from Lakota (a young rock band … Continue reading The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band

Sep. 27, 2018: Etruschi & Friends Country Session at the White Rabbit Hole in Tuscany

On Thursday, Sep. 27, 2018 we were invited at the Tana del Bianconiglio (White Rabbit Hole) recording studio in Montecchio, a tiny village not far from Pisa, for a recording session putting together three generations and moods from different latitudes. Let’s see who was there, and how they got to this spot. The line-up The headliners, and hosts, … Continue reading Sep. 27, 2018: Etruschi & Friends Country Session at the White Rabbit Hole in Tuscany


Last update: Apr 22, 2024 January February March April May June

Map(pear)ing Sardinia: mission accomplished

[TO BE TRANSLATED] sottofondo musicale: Southern Cross, di Crosby, Stills e Nash Torniella (GR) – 29-1-2017 Stamani verso le 05:30 ora italiana nelle campagne attorno a Torniella (GR) è abboscata (non si può dire ammarata, ché il mare non c’è, ma di boschi quanti vi pare) la capsula lanciata il 9 gennaio scorso dalla base … Continue reading Map(pear)ing Sardinia: mission accomplished

About a week after the Farma Valley Winter Fest

[TO BE TRANSLATED] Passato il Natale e pur il Natalino – riprende la routine, da Bolzano a Pachino… A una settimana dal Festival, si comincia a condividere una sintesi che è all’interno del gruppo di lavoro cominciata dalla mattina dopo. Personaggi La giornalista (G) L’ingegnere (I) La barRista (B) Il titolare del bar (T) Interno giorno … Continue reading About a week after the Farma Valley Winter Fest