Round 1 with BuioMetria at Parco Nord Milano (Sep 12-13)

This is mostrly directect to Milanese folks interested in getting involved with our activities at the Ninth Biodiversity Festival at Parco Nord Milano [TO BE TRANSLATED AND ABRIDGED] Dopo la presentazione durante l’inaugurazione, di venerdì 11, la presenza della BuioMetria Partecipativa al nono Festival della Biodiversità del Parco Nord Milano è proseguita con uno spazio … Continue reading Round 1 with BuioMetria at Parco Nord Milano (Sep 12-13)

At the opening of the Ninth Parco Nord Milano Biodiversity Festival

Yeserday I had the onus and bonus of having the first talk at the opening ceremony of the Ninth Parco Nord Milano Biodiversity Festival. The location was the brand new Interactive Cinema Museum in Milano, viale Fulvio Testi 121. I spent some twenty years of my life in Milano, in various phases, and I’ve been … Continue reading At the opening of the Ninth Parco Nord Milano Biodiversity Festival

BuioMetria Partecipativa proposed in the participatory budget for the Municipality of Grosseto

The Municipality of Grosseto recently initiated a participatory process to identify with citizens and other stakeholders, projects to be proposed as a part of its 2016 budget. In particular, the projects should be related to tourism (see official Comune di Grosseto web site). [TO BE TRANSLATED] La BuioMetria Partecipativa (e il gruppo di promozione sociale … Continue reading BuioMetria Partecipativa proposed in the participatory budget for the Municipality of Grosseto

Lecture at Politecnico di Milano on “map(p)earing the upper half of the landscape”

TO BE TRANSLATED Integrazione di tecnologie e metodi partecipati per la tutela e la valorizzazione del territorio. Presentazione della lezione (in inglese) Presentazione della lezione (in italiano) Puntata di Maramao (Radio Popolare Milano) della mattina del 25-5 dedicata a presentare la lezione del pomeriggio. Ascolta il Podcast. di 33 minuti. Per chi ha fretta, la … Continue reading Lecture at Politecnico di Milano on “map(p)earing the upper half of the landscape”

BuioMetria Partecipativa in Pistoia (Tuscany)

[TO BE TRANSLATED] Venerdì 30 maggio, dalle 17 alle 19 a Pistoia, nell’Atrio del Museo Marini (Corso Fedi, 72) si terrà una presentazione dal titolo “Ci rubano il cielo stellato? Tutto ciò che non si sa sulla luce artificiale di notte” a cura dell’ Ing. Andrea Giacomelli dell’associazione L’intervento aprirà una tre giorni di … Continue reading BuioMetria Partecipativa in Pistoia (Tuscany)


This is a partial list of talks given in “institutional” settings. To these you should add the events I directly organized since 2008, and the invited talks in more “creative” settings on palla a 21, buiometria partecipativa and similar topics. You may find a reference to these in the blog and in the News … Continue reading Talks

In between the Cathedral and the Bazaar: Points of View on free/open geographic information from 2007 to 2013

[blog post added on July 25, 2015. The official version of this article, in Italian, is available from the official archives of the Geomedia magazine, which I thank once more for hosting it. The article was written sometime between December 2009 and January 2010 and was, in fact, published after I left One of … Continue reading In between the Cathedral and the Bazaar: Points of View on free/open geographic information from 2007 to 2013