The Jug Band and Geomusic at Bar Moderno (La Nazione, Feb. 29, 2020)

Stuff, dating from 1900 onwards, which you may peruse at the pibinko.org headquarters. The full list is presented in random order (reload to see a different one) and gradually increasing.
We also have “thematic” lists (as subsets of the full list):
Please note that a present the description of Stuff-o-theque items is provided only in Italian, but you may enjoy the pictures (or write to micalosapevo@pibinko.org for more information in English).
Since 1994 I have been professionally engaged in a variety of mapping and geographic information management projects, spanning from tourism to environmental remediation, citizen science, biodiversity, utility surveys, and more. In time I have also been increasingly working on outreach related to mapping (and free/open-source mapping), with steering roles in national associations. Between 1997 and 2013 I have been following closely European Union developments related to mapping. Namely, I have worked as the facilitator for one of the INSPIRE Directive working groups, and I have been invited to provide input in various consultations.
Below is a list of blog posts documenting my map-related activities. Need a map? Write to info@pibinko.org.
Since 1994 I have been professionally engaged in a variety of mapping and geographic information management projects, spanning from tourism to environmental remediation, citizen science, biodiversity, utility surveys and more. In time I have also been increasingly working on outreach related to mapping (and free/open-source mapping).
Below is a list of blog posts documenting my map-related activities. Need a map? Write to info@pibinko.org.
Performed by the Stuttgart Chamber orchestra…circa 1960.
An article written for the Asia-Europe Cultural Foundation by Jack O’Malley, setting the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band (i.e.Jug Band Colline Metallifere) in the “arts & technology” stream, and some personal anecdotes.
The article is available here.
For more information on the Jug Band Colline Metallifere (and to inquire for a performance): jugbandcm@pibinko.org or http://www.jugbandcm.it (site in English, Italian, and German)