To cross- or to multiple-post in 2015? This is not the dilemma (part 1)

Yesterday I sent an announcement for an event organized by (the small NGO I founded four years ago with three colleagues) to the two main Italian mailing lists I follow. One deals with geographic free/open source software, one deals with open data. has open innovation (including software and data, an not neglecting open … Continue reading To cross- or to multiple-post in 2015? This is not the dilemma (part 1)


This is a partial list of talks given in “institutional” settings. To these you should add the events I directly organized since 2008, and the invited talks in more “creative” settings on palla a 21, buiometria partecipativa and similar topics. You may find a reference to these in the blog and in the News … Continue reading Talks

Presentation of the “Citizens in Tuscany” experience in the INSPIRE Conference

Having learned that the 2013 INSPIRE Conference would have been in Florence, and being Florence one of the locations where I was acting as citizen science coordinator for the ENVIROFI FP7 EU Research project, I proposed to the project managers to hold an outreach event at the conference. This would have been to share the … Continue reading Presentation of the “Citizens in Tuscany” experience in the INSPIRE Conference

The Jug Band Colline Metallifere Gran(i)Tour: how did it go?

Below you find some shots from the Jug Band Colline Metallifere. Between June 14 and June 29 we have moved from Southern Tuscany, Trentino, Munich, and various locations in Baden-Württemberg, proposing a series of concerts intertwined with the topic of grains, and more in general to interact on musica and relation between different territories.We have … Continue reading The Jug Band Colline Metallifere Gran(i)Tour: how did it go?

A representative from the Jug Band Colline Metallifere at the ECSA Conference in Vienna: How did it go?

We announced in early January that a delegation from the Jug Band Colline Metallifere (namely Jack O’Malley and Mauro Tirannosauro) would have been attending the fifth European Citizen Science Association conference. This is a medium-large event for a congress (around 500 participants), with a significant presence of extra-European folks. The topic is “citizen science”, where … Continue reading A representative from the Jug Band Colline Metallifere at the ECSA Conference in Vienna: How did it go?

The Tattistampa Art Print Day: how did it go?

Here are a few shots from the “open door” event with Wolfgang Scheibe and his combined universe of art, agriculture, and music. As a peculiarity, with over 400 events in this celebration, the one in Tatti was the only one in Italy (and, in practice, almost the only one out of German-speaking countries…there was another … Continue reading The Tattistampa Art Print Day: how did it go?

The BuioMetria Partecipativa Map now includes the CNR IBE Research Network

Thanks to Luciano Massetti of the Italian Research Council Bioeconomy Institute, who is a historical collaborator of the BMP project, we are glad to add to our “classical” measures (i.e. those made with manual measurements by citizens), a new information layer. This is represented by the location of fixed stations that CNR IBE has been … Continue reading The BuioMetria Partecipativa Map now includes the CNR IBE Research Network

The new Participatory Night Sky Quality Monitoring Map

Between 2008 and 2020, in collaboration with Luca Delucchi, a geographer and a big supporter of the Sampdoria footbal club, the data collected by citizens with the Buiometria Partecipativa project were collected on a web site which allowed to display maps, reports, and more. For a few years we had to put the service on … Continue reading The new Participatory Night Sky Quality Monitoring Map