Tue. Jul. 30, 2019: lecture on Atmospheric scattering and the view of the night sky by Zoltán Kolláth at Fondazione E. Mach, S. Michele all’Adige (Italy)

The lecture will be a 2.30 PM

Measuring the quality of the night sky is necessary to assess light pollution and to evaluate its trends. These derive from a combination of existing and new lighting installations, and the applications of mitigation actions to reduce the amount of luminous flux escaping the primary areas where lighting is needed (and thus generating glare and skyglow), and containing increasing levels of blue light due to the diffusion of new generation lighting. Such measures are especially important in relation to protected areas, where night sky quality measurements by digital cameras have become a routine procedure. However, these observations lack the wavelength dependence of sky radiance; therefore, we have started a spectral sky quality survey parallel with the all-sky radiance measurements. To interpret the measurements, we also performed Monte Carlo simulations with the dominant light sources in the neighborhood of the measurement locations. We studied the effect of the tendencies of different atmospheric conditions for some reference cases with typical cloud and aerosol profiles.  The structure of the aerosol layers has a significant impact on the night sky radiance distribution, and it is neglected in most of the recent light pollution modelling. I will present our first results obtained at the Zselic Starry Sky Park, in the context of a now fifteen-year-old program for the protection and promotion of the night sky in various nature reserves in Hungary.

The visit to Fondazione Mach is part of a tour in Italy with the BuioMetria Partecipativa project, active since 2008 in the interdisciplinary protection and promotion of the night sky.

Zoltán Kolláth, professor of astrophysics at the Savaria University Center, Eötvös Loránd University, Szombathely, Hungary between 24 and 29 July. Prof. Kolláth is one of the highest international authorities in the field of light pollution studies, as well as in the promotion of the night sky as a resource. He was the creator of one of the first international star parks in Europe, the Zselic landscape protection area, and has for many years been a driving force in protecting night skies in Hungary, with the recognition of three parks certified by the International Dark Sky Association.

At the moment, the professor is responsible for a large national project for the development of scientific research on all aspects of light pollution, including the creation of new sustainable lighting systems. As an astrophysicist, he deals with the dynamics of pulsating stars. He is also very active in the dissemination in this sector, for example taking care of the soundtrack of astronomical signals that have been used in exhibitions and musical compositions, including a piece by John Legend.

A Photographic Version of the pibinko.org Network

Speaking to people about what we do, something we go for metaphors, sometimes for equations, sometimes for songs, or sometimes we just close our eyes and feel the breeze.

To provide yet another expression for the concept of “interdisciplinary protection and promotion of lesser known assets in the fields of culture, environment, and open innovation” I wrote a few lines of code displaying all of the photos published on this WordPress site in a row. This generates a sort of mosaic.

The result is a log which is partly in chronological order (for each event we do we have at least one photo on the site), and partly not, since we are also gradually importing to the site photos of things we did in pre-blog times (since 2000), which in the system are assigned the data of when the file is uploaded. In any case the effect is interesting, and some of you may recognise situations and folks.

To see the whole “movie” try: http://www.pibinko.org/scripts/listallimg.php . This will get you almost 1000 images (as of July 10, 2019), and will require some time to load, although the final effect is neat. Otherwise, you can try the month-by-month option:


JulyAugust SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember

If some of the shots capture your curiosity, you can try and find the corresponding news on the blog, of write for more information.

The core of the images starts in 2015.

A First Comparison of Italian Regional Light Pollution Legislation

In the May 16 conference which we organised in Brescia with the BuioMetria Partecipativa project in collaboration with the University’s DICATAM on Interdisciplinary promotion and protection of the night sky, we had a very interesting talk on Italian Regional legislation by Maria d’Amore. Maria has been following this topic for over ten years working at the Emilia-Romagna regional administration, and among other topics she presented a table which we then invited her to share.

The table shows similarities and differences, with respect to various criteria, region by region (for those regions where light pollution regulations are present). This table is an extremely interesting reference both for experts, and for non-experts who may have an idea of how different administrations have been approaching the same topic in the course of time.Regions are listed according to a reverse chronological order related to the year of publication of the most recent law.

The table is updated to June 2019 and is currently maintained in Italian (we may consider translating the table if there are specific requests). For comments or for more information, please write to: bmp@pibinko.org

The CLIWOC database

As a background this calls for the “Southern Cross” by Crosby, Stills e Nash

On the line of promoting lesser known resources in the field of culture, environment, and open innovation, I recently recovered the complete database of the CLIWOC (Climatological Database for the World’s Oceans 1750-1850) project. This was a European-funded project between 2000 and 2003 with the aim of digitizing the logs of ships from some European countries over a period of 100 years, so as to extreact weather observations, which needed to be recorded daily. Data are mostly from Spagna, Great Britain and Holland (with some data from France, Sweden, etc.).

Apart from the climatologic aspects, this exercise interested me because of the spatial analysis implications, and having finally accessed the full database, the annotations which can be found.

Here you see some basic visualizations (each dot is one day from a given ship, with additional data attached to it). Geopolitical analysts will be on the loose on this. During the Summer we will show you more of what’s in the CLIWOC trove.


A mid-year report for pibinko.org (and the Jug Band Colline Metallifere) and some hints for the rest of 2019

With the pibinko.org network, since 2009 we have been preparing annual reports, which are normally published by January, covering the previous year.
We then issue periodic updates (as a minimum monthly, often weekly for our Italian audience). These include news, reports on events, and other ideas.
Exceptionally we need a mid-year status report. This happened in 2011, and 2019 looks definitely like another year where this can help. We also included some outlook through the rest of 2019.

The report comes in two pages, and you may download it from this link.

Lesser known parts of Tuscany, where the pibinko.org network is based. Kind of. For international bearings: some 100 km South of Florence, or 200 North of Rome.

For those interested in previous episodes of the story, here you find our 2018 summary.. and the pibinko.org and jugbandcm.it sites have the full picture.

Inquiries and booking: info@pibinko.org