“From Irredentists to Dentists”, and the first Croatian Conference on Light Pollution (pibinko.org News, Jun. 17, 2019)

Header image: two globe luminaires silhouetted on the ancient walls of the village of Rab.

From June 14 to June 16 I was invited to give a presentation at the first Croatian conference on light pollution, in the stunning setting of the Rab Island, and namely in the area of Lopar. The event was triggered by the launch of a national law on light pollution, and the interest by various stakeholders to increase awareness on this topic. The invitation I had derived from various pre-existing contacts withing the BuioMetria Partecipativa project, the participation in 2013 to an international measurement campaign on the island of Lastovo, and other interconnections.

The venue of the conference in Lopar. In addition to a majority attendees from Croatia, various delegates were coming from Slovenia, Bosnia, England, and Italy. You may find a partial coverage (in Croatian) on the event from this article on Novi List.

Concerning the talk on BuioMetria Partecipativa, I provided a summary of our experiences since 2008, and our point of view on some of the light pollution issues. Such viewpoint comes from the mediation of numerous contacts with a wide range of subjects active in different roles related to artificial light at night, and light pollution research, as well as an extensive track record of community engagement initiatives, including citizen science campaign, and outreach and education events.

Furthermore, in the presentation we proposed various potential lines of collaboration between Italy, Croatia, and other countries facing the Adriatic sea, also considering the fact that the effects of artificial lighting from Italy are in many cases well detectable from the Eastern coast of the Adriatic, as documented by measurement campaign which I was invited to attend in the past in the context of European projects.

With our presence at the Lopar conference (acknowledging the organizers for their hospitality), Buiometria Partecipativa, a small bottom-up project launched in 2008 in the Farma Valley, one of the lesser known parts of Tuscany, is maintaining its commitment to represent Italy in a European context, on a topic which many people consider a niche. A niche which, however, has every day less motivations to be neglected, given the increasing sensitivity to environmental issues, and the fact that even small actions count, and can be related to strategies on a much wider scale, and with an interdisciplinary approach (which the pibinko.org network is quite comfortable with, anyway)

More initiatives are taking shape summing up the BuioMetria Partecipativa team and the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band , and will be announced soon. The next scheduled “situation” will be Andrea Giacomelli the the third Meet Music, a national workshop on music production in Follonica, on June 25.

For more information: bmp@pibinko.org

Before and after the conference…

Reaching Lopar from Southern Tuscany is a long trip. Given the interesting opportunity of the invitation for a short event, I decided to embed a “survey” campaign on the way, adopting the map(pear)ing approach. For this I needed some starting information, which materialized in the form of a book with the presentation of over 100 musicians from all over the Balkan area (and ranging East to Caucasus), and at some point a map of the country.

The stops were in Trieste (Trst), Rijeka (once Fiume) and Rab (once Arbe). For those of you receiving frequent emails with invitations to go to Croatia for dental care, I can confirm that there are a lot of facilities of this type, at least in the city. I considered that once this area was confronted by irredentists, and now, things evolved and we can find dentists. But let’s give the floor to some shots:

Trieste, the Bora museum.
Trieste, Piazza Unità d’Italia at sunset, and various types of lighting.
Trieste, a lighting globe, from below
Trieste, the city of knowledge
Rijeka, by the maritime station
Rijeka: a lot of care for important musical heritage
An Italian grammar for Croatians in 1957. Between “febbre” (fever) and “felice” (happy) we find “federativo” (federative).
The “Korzo” (main street) in Rijeka
The “parallel main street” 1
the parallel main street 2
the parallel main street, 3
Lighting in Croatia considered wrong by Slovenian experts.
The concert by and ABBA cover band which created a score for the final part of the first day of the conference (Friday evening).
Three luminaires…one off and the others with different colour temperature.
A light in an outdoor staircase (on all day long).
LED billboards
Austrian+Hungarian heritage in the harbour of Rijeka.
For Italian forty-fifty-year-old folk who didn’t know, Sandy Marton is Croatian (since I know people called Marton in Veneto, I thought he was Italian).

BuioMetria Partecipativa at the LPTMM conference in Zselic, Hungary

With BuioMetria Partecipativa we have been invited to the “Light Pollution Theory, Modelling, and Measurements” conference. This represents one of the two main international conferences on the topic of light pollution and night sky protection.

BMP will not have a typical talk at the conference, but will manage some of its communication and outreach aspects, also after the actual event.

The conference will be in Zselic, in the South-West of Hungary, inside of one of the dark sky areas used for environmental education, scientific research, and astrotourism.

For more information: bmp@pibinko.org

Header image by Zoltán Kolláth

Weather in Torniella, Tuscany

Clicking on the image above, or on this link you can find more data on the weather in Torniella, Southern Tuscany.

The weather station is active since May 11, 2019 (this article explains the installation event). For more information: info@pibinko.org.

This service is offered by pibinko.org (weather station procurement), Circolo ARCI Torniella (connectivity), Giorgio Panerati (support laptop) and mymeteonetwork (data reporting).

The Torniella, Southern Tuscany, Weather Station is online

From May 29, 2019, the weather data recorded by the station installed in Torniella on May 10, during a visit in the Farma Valley by Politecnico di Milano, are online. The pibinko.org networking has been collaborating with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, giving periodic talk in the Milanese university.

The basic weather data recorded are visibile in real time from the address http://www.pibinko.org/weather-in-torniella-southern-tuscany/

The station has been inserted in the meteonetwork network (it is in fact the first sensor in the Province of Grosseto to appear there). The meteonetwork page also provides archives and various reporting option.

The weather station in Torniella represents an interesting addition to other sensors and monitoring activities which the pibinko.org network is undertaking in the area since 2008, especially with the BuioMetria Partecipativa project and the Farma Valley Community map. In the coming months the pibinko.org working group, together with local businesses and associations, and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Politecnico di Milano will coordinate on definining additional uses for this new information source in the valley.

For more information: info@pibinko.org o +393317539228