Antonella Pocci

Antonella is an accountant and a social assistant. From 2003 to 2016 she was the manager for Bar Vineria la Combriccola in Torniella, where many of the project originated or often are in transit.

In addition to providing organizational support, she has been actively collaborating to the development of the Farma Valley Community Map. Namely, she has documented various traditional sayings from the Valley..


Apr. 20, Talks on Protection and Promotion of the Night Sky in Scansano, Tuscany

Following the event in Tatti (Southern Tuscany), and the presentation of the first verison of the community map of its surroundings, and in the context of a rich program of events through June (pending further updates), you are invited in Scansano, Southern Tuscany for an afternoon with the network.

The event will have a focus on the BuioMetria Partecipativa project and its interdisciplinary approach to promotion and protection of the night sky, but also the other typical elements of the “gigs” will be available.

Per informazioni o 3317539228.

May 4, 2019: the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band live @ Caffe’ Ricasoli, Grosseto, Tuscany

Between 7PM and 10PM at Caffè Ricasoli, in Grosseto, Southern Tuscany. Featuring Peter Crivelli, an extraordinary character with an extraordinary story (and a very good country blues, and ballads repertoire).

See also for more details on the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band and their upcoming mission to Germany, via Politecnico di Milano.

Thu. Apr 11, 2019: Valdicecina trekking in Larderello (Pisa). A conference and a guided tour

Next Thursday, April 11, pibinko will be part of the speakers at a conference on “New itineraries, new navigation and promotion portals, new communication strategies. A presentation of projects and tools for the local Tourism System”. Here is an excerpt of the flyer.

On this occasion I will give a short talk on the work I have been carrying out in the past two years for IRIS Ambiente and Idealcoop, concerning the new design of the trail system for Unione Comuni Alta Valdicecina. I will also be providing some hints about the peculiarities of the network we have created, collaborating with various experts and local guides.

For more information on this specific activity: For information on the overall event:

Considering other projects, we might say that we have been partly map(pear)ing the Cecina Valley and its spaces, even though in this phase there has been more mapping, compared to other work we do. Interestingly, in the same period and in the same area, I met various elements that helped me to launch new projects .

The layout of the stand at the DITOs final event (Brussels, Apr. 3, 2019)

The network had an interesting appearance in the final day of the European project “Do-it-together Science”. Below you see the stand (or the travelling micro-museum) before the start of the “marketplace” session. In this there were about fifteen companies from all over Europe, including other Italians, but with the network as the only subject with a project from Italy. We don’t have a photo of the stand at the end of the session (since the layout changed gradually, as people were stopping by and interacting with the different features), but we will do our best to cover this aspect with our report on the overall trip.

The flagship initiative for during this day was the announcement of the upcoming geomusical mission of the Jug Band from the Metalliferous Hills to Germany, with a stop a Politecnico di Milano, from May 30 to June 3.

For those of you in Milano, please note the meetup on Friday, April 5, @ Soul Food, via Gola 3, from 6.30PM to around 8PM. Here you can get a live summary of the Brussels experience, and more hints on the Summer campaign. For more information:

Here are some items from the stuff-o-theque