Milan, Fri. Apr 5, 2019: a reporto after the mission to Bruxelles

From 6.30PM to around 8PM come to Soul Food, via Gola 3 to…

Keywords for the evening will be Jug, Band, Hills, Metalliferous, Politecnico, Stuttgart, BuioMetria, geomusic (search any of these terms on the website to see more links).

Per informazioni o 3317539228

To give you a mood for the event, “Dreaming about the Vatican”, JBCM cover, Nov. 1, 2018:

2019-03-30 branobag: Cherub Rock

First edition, Dec. 3, 2012 – TO BE TRANSLATED

Cari branobagsters, oggi più che al bag vorrei dedicarmi al brano, perché contiene in modo totale il bag.

Questo pezzo lo avrò ascoltato, come tutto il disco Siamese Dream -di cui nei branobag abbiamo già proposto Mayonaise tempo addietro- almeno mille volte, e non basta.

Suggerimenti per l’ascolto

  • se non avete un impianto utile, cercare un amico/a che ne abbia uno, e che questo impianto sia un un posto dove si può fare un po’ di volume per cinque (5 minuti)…non vogliamo arrecare disturbo a vicini non consapevoli.
  • alzare il volume a un livello importante
  • far partire il pezzo
  • inspirare sul leggero attacco di rullante (primo “rullo”)
  • espirare sul secondo
  • mantenere il ritmo del respiro nell’attacco del riff di chitarra (4 x)
  • quando parte la batteria e tutto il resto, fate voi (se dico cosa ho in mente io, che gusto c’è ?)…e magari fatemi sapere come avete interpretato l’ascolto.

Qua propongo la versione dall’album. Se poi volete una vera esperienza “energetica”, provate la versione del release party del disco, nel 1993, e quindi la prima volta che la cantarono per il pubblico (non adatta a tutti).

Sulla traduzione, non sono sicuro di tutti i passaggi…Corgan è un maestro dell’ellissi, dell’ermetismo, e anche dei tagli di capelli un po’ estremi, dei telefilm di fantascienza..insomma: non sarà James Joyce in Ulysses, ma non è semplice da leggere. Più o meno per me dice questo:

Cherub Rock – Il Rock dei cherubini

Freak out | uscite di testa
And give in | e cedete
Doesn’t matter what you believe in | non importa quello in cui credete
Stay cool | state tranquilli
And be somebody’s fool this year | siate lo zimbello di qualcuno per quest’anno
’cause they know | perché loro sanno
Who is righteous, what is bold | chi è bravo, che cosa è l’essere coraggiosi
So I’m told | così mi dicono

Who wants honey | chi è che vuole il miele [o “le cose dolci”, “i chicchi” in Toscana ?]
As long as there’s some money | fintanto che ci sono i soldi
Who wants that honey? | chi è che vuole quel miele ?

Hipsters unite | gente strana, unitevi
Come align for the big fight to rock for you | mettetevi in fila per la grande ressa per fare rock per voi (o per agitarsi per voi ?)

But beware | ma state attenti
All those angels with their wings glued on | a tutti quegli angioletti con le ali appiccicate
’cause deep down | perché, in fondo in fondo
We are frightened and we’re scared | siamo spaventati e impauriti
If you don’t stare | se non guardate bene

Who wants honey
As long as there’s some money
Who wants that honey?

Let me out | fatemi uscire
Let me out
Let me out
Let me out

Tell me all of your secrets | dimmi tutti i tuoi segreti
Cannot help but believe this is true | non posso fare a meno di pensare che tutto questo sia vero
Tell me all of your secrets | dimmi tutti i tuoi segreti
I know, I know, I know | lo so, lo so, lo
Should have listened when I was told | avrei dovuto ascoltare, quando mi dicevano (che…)

Who wants honey
As long as there is some money
Who wants that honey?

Let me out
Let me out
Let me out
Let me out

Brescia, Italy, May 16, 2019: Interdisciplinary protection and promotion of the night sky: state of the art, action items, and visions

On May 16, 2019 in Brescia, Italy, there will be a conference concerning the interdisciplinary protection and promotion of night sky, elaborating on state of the art, action items, and visions.

The event is managed by the Department of Civil, Environmental, Architectural Engineering and Mathematics from the University of Brescia, the BuioMetria Partecipativa project -active since 2008 on the topics of the conference- and the network. This is composed by professionals with multiple years of international activity, and with a peculiar combination of expertise, intertwining culture, environment, open innovation, and arts.

The conference falls in the line of a recent series of initiatives developed in the context of a collaboration of the BMP project with the Italian Research Council’s Institute of Biometeorology and the Department of Biology at the University of Pisa, including an international symposium on the Island of Capraia in September 2018 and a national workshop in Florence in March 2019.

The conference will take place during the International Light Day celebrated by UNESCO, and has been accepted by the Charter of Architects and the Charter of Engineers in Brescia as valid for the issue of training credits.

For more information: or +393317539228

10 AM – Participant registration

10.15 AM – Opening speech by Roberto Ranzi, Rector’s Delegate for International Affairs

10.30 AM – Andrea Giacomelli, network and BuioMetria Partecipativa coordinator: Connecting cities and rural areas to redefine the perception of light at night.

11.30 AM – Maria d’Amore, Light pollution and energy saving. The experience by Regione Emilia-Romagna.

12.30 PM Discussion

1PM Lunch break

2.30 PM Federico Giussani, Photgrapher, “When the shot is hot: emotion and analytics in night photography

3.30 PM Operational proposals, options for collaboration, and discussion

4.30 PM Conclusion

The conference will be chaired by Olivia Long from the University of Brescia.

In addition to the program presented in the flyer, from 6PM to 8PM we are considering an outreach event (venue to be confirmed).

Conference topics

• Overview of the protection and promotion of night skies (light pollution causes, effects, and mitigation strategies);

• Current regulatory framework, and options for improvement deriving from the research sector;

Experiences in the creation of value in from night skies (star parks, astro-tourism and other activities at night).

• Interdisciplinary initiatives, participatory methods, and citizen science for light planning, deriving from Italian and international experiences;

• Interaction with the conference participant, and wrap-up session;

• Sharing of operational proposals for 2019-2020, including the possibility of triggering collaborations with the participants.

For more information: or +393317539228

Map(pear)ing Maremma, Spring 2019 Edition, first call

Some plants are starting to blossom from the seeds planted in the past months, apparently with work done with the Third Farma Valley Winter Fest and the subsequent events, plus some new collaborations.

In the coming weeks more details will be provided for each single day. Meanwhile we encourage you to take note of dates and locations, or to write to for additional information. Also, if you browse the “news” section of the site you can get a feel for the activities leading to this series of initiatives (please note: we are a bit behind with the translations into English of the news, so you want to see the real action, just switch to the Italian version of the site and go to “notizie“).

To learn, or to refresh, the mapp(ear)ing concept, proposed for the first time in 2008, you may check this articleo.

  • sat. April 13, 6.30PM 18.30 Tatti (GR) @ Barrino, the first version of the Tatti Community map
  • sat. April 20 , Scansano (GR), Protection and Promotion of the Night Sky with Buiometria Partecipativa
  • sat. April 27 , Tirli (GR), come and play Palla Eh!, or palla a 21
  • sun April 28, Punta Ala (GR), Metalliferous Hills Jug Band Live

The Network will have a stand at the final DITOs event in Brussels (Apr. 3, 2019)

Following the installations of the mobile museum in various Italian sites (with the one in Florence with a cultural and archaeological focus on February 23, 2019 as a flagship event to date), we are glad to announce that the same situation will have an exhibition space within the final event of the “Doing it Together Science” (DITOs) European Project.

You may visit us on Wednesday, April 3, at the Brussels Natural Sciences Museum.

This is not the first time that palla a 21 balls, night sky quality meters, forgotten Tuscan valley community maps, or geomusical song lists travel with pibinko, but this is the first time that these items will be proposed in an official EU exhibition space.

The network will be present in a group of fourteen stands from various European countries, as well as the European Commission itself:

An excerpt of the event brochure, showing the presentation of the network (you may download the complete file from this link)

Thanking the DITOs project for this opportunity and for granting travel support, we go back to work on the final preparations for the mission, with The Seeker in the background.

The outcome of this experience will be reported to our audience at home towards the end of April, with three events planned in Southern Tuscany (see the first call)

For more information / +393317539228.