Palla a 21 ball construction course in Torniella: how did it go

In a nutshell, between 3.15 and 6.30PM on Saturday, June 17, we recorded: Two new ball makers: Valentina and Amos (who drove one hour from the plain to learn) Old-time makers back on the scene: Claudio and Fabiano Thinking about it: Andrea L. Enticed folk: several people (kids, teens, and adults), including many from Torniella … Continue reading Palla a 21 ball construction course in Torniella: how did it go

Save the date: Sunday, July 2, 2017, 7th Farm Valley MTB Trophy

Pro Loco Piloni-Torniella is organizing for Sunday, July 2, 2017, the seventh Farma Valley Mountain Bike Trophy. This is half way between Siena and Grosseto, in Southern Tuscany. The departure will be at 9.30AM in the main square of Torniella, arriving in Piloni after 39 kilometers and about 900 m of altitude difference. For those … Continue reading Save the date: Sunday, July 2, 2017, 7th Farm Valley MTB Trophy

An update of the Farma Valley Billboard (as of June 3, 2017)

After the quick’n’dirty first setup of the Farma Valley Community billboard, here is our first update. You can find it entering the village of Torniella from the South, on your right, just after the post office. In addition to an updated and enriched list of events, going through August, we added a proper title on the top … Continue reading An update of the Farma Valley Billboard (as of June 3, 2017)

Save the date: Tue. June 6 in Grosseto (Southern Tuscany) the Summer calendar presented @ Caffé Ricasoli

Tuesday, June 6, from 4PM to 8PM at Caffé Ricasoli, in via Ricasoli 20, Grosseto, there will be a presentation of the second part of the 2017 combined calendar of events, by, and other partnering subjects. 2017 started as a peculiar year, as it marks the tenth anniversary of an initiative which was a … Continue reading Save the date: Tue. June 6 in Grosseto (Southern Tuscany) the Summer calendar presented @ Caffé Ricasoli

High School Internships with mission accomplished

From April 26 to May 14 hosted in Torniella, Southern Tuscany, two students from the Fossombroni High School in Grosseto. The students supported the association on two tasks: editing information material concerning the Farma Valley (using both pre-existings sources and new documentation acquired directly on the field) and helping with the promotion of the … Continue reading High School Internships with mission accomplished

No Live Music Allowed – ep. 1: In the Hilly Valleys (May 9, 2017, Torniella)

Tuesday May 9, 2017, in Torniella, Farma Valley, Tuscany, we will have the first episode of a series which will unfold during the coming months (see the flyer, in Italian). We want to raise the issue of the complexity of playing live music (especially for a living) in areas which are far from the big … Continue reading No Live Music Allowed – ep. 1: In the Hilly Valleys (May 9, 2017, Torniella)

The first “hard copy” steps for the Farma Valley (Tuscany) community map

During the last International Open Data Day, on March 4, 2017, we presented the first draft copy of the Farma Valley community map, with two events in Scansano and Castelnuovo Val di Cecina as warm-up and debriefing events. This map was the first result of an activity stated at the end of 2014, when we … Continue reading The first “hard copy” steps for the Farma Valley (Tuscany) community map

April 25th celebrations with four musical phases

In the morning: philarmonic bands, as appropriate for the institutional commemorations. Then, after an excellent meal and a play, in the community hall in Montieri, Southern Tuscany, we witnessed: 2) A live show by Etruschi from Lakota, also starting the crowdfunding campaign for their next album (expected issue date: October). 3) A new gathering of … Continue reading April 25th celebrations with four musical phases newsletter #2: Live music and citizen science from Apr. 24 to May 1st

Fasten your seat belts, fold your tray tables and switch off your tablets (but not before you have read this message!)…we are about to take off for a lively round of events by and friends Monday, Apr. 24  (today!), we will be at the “Liberi e Vivi! Festival” at Parco delle Sughere in Donoratico. … Continue reading newsletter #2: Live music and citizen science from Apr. 24 to May 1st