The Farma Valley (Southern Tuscany) Community Map

The Farma Valley Community Map was created by using as a base map the current Tuscan administration official base maps (1:10000 scale), interviewing the elders of the three villages (Torniella, Piloni, and Scalvaia), in order to document points of interest and other information which does not exist in the official maps, but is relevant for … Continue reading The Farma Valley (Southern Tuscany) Community Map

Il Tirreno (Grosseto edition), Dec. 28, 2016

…in attesa della versione online…copie del Tirreno esaurite a Torniella entro le 8.30…commissionate copie cartacee a Follonica e Gavorrano. NB: la foto grande in copertina è associata al titolo SOTTO la foto, e non al titolo SOPRA… L’edizione di oggi contiene un articolo di sintesi dopo il Festival d’Inverno e un articolo con un’intervista a … Continue reading Il Tirreno (Grosseto edition), Dec. 28, 2016

About a week after the Farma Valley Winter Fest

[TO BE TRANSLATED] Passato il Natale e pur il Natalino – riprende la routine, da Bolzano a Pachino… A una settimana dal Festival, si comincia a condividere una sintesi che è all’interno del gruppo di lavoro cominciata dalla mattina dopo. Personaggi La giornalista (G) L’ingegnere (I) La barRista (B) Il titolare del bar (T) Interno giorno … Continue reading About a week after the Farma Valley Winter Fest

Come to measure the dark skies in the “Valley that’s not there” (Il Tirreno, Dec. 17, 2016)

The Farma Valley Winter Fest was launched by Il Tirreno (one of the two newspapers published in Tuscany) on page 1, with a clip inviting people to read the article on page 23 (Culture). The translation of the full article is provided below, with some added hyperlinks and notes to provide some context to the reader.  … Continue reading Come to measure the dark skies in the “Valley that’s not there” (Il Tirreno, Dec. 17, 2016)

All set for the Farma Valley Winter Fest: three days of Pici, Love, and Music

[TO BE TRANSLATED] Ci si avvicina al Festival d’inverno in Val di Farma: Sei momenti musicali, cinque soggetti organizzatori, quattro locali per mangiare, tre giorni di eventi, due versanti di una valle e un ombrello che pare non dovrebbe servire. A dodici giorni dal lancio ufficiale, avvenuto il quattro dicembre, in Val di Farma (a metà … Continue reading All set for the Farma Valley Winter Fest: three days of Pici, Love, and Music

A Winter Fest where things happen, if at all, in the Summer

[TO BE TRANSLATED] Musica, fotografia, open data, monitoraggio del cielo notturno e pici all’aglione: tutto insieme senza fare indigestione. Se avete fretta, saltate direttamente alla pagina del Festival d’inverno in Val di Farma. Altrimenti, mettete un po’ di sottofondo soft, e procedete: Dal 17 al 19 dicembre 2016 la bassa Toscana ospita un evento forse non … Continue reading A Winter Fest where things happen, if at all, in the Summer

Il Tirreno (Grosseto edition), Dec. 5, 2016: A Winter Festival to discover the Farma Valley

This article covers the first public announcement for the Farma Valley Winter Festival. A pagina 15 (terza pagina della cronaca locale), articolo di Giovanna Mezzana. L’articolo originale è sul sito de Il Tirreno. Sotto riportiamo una versione integrata da link. Dal 17 al 19 dicembre concerti, passeggiate e buona cucina È l’idea dell’associazione che esportò … Continue reading Il Tirreno (Grosseto edition), Dec. 5, 2016: A Winter Festival to discover the Farma Valley

End of the September 2015 tour

The September tour, opened with the preview in Ribolla, Southern Tuscany, and contined with the dates in Milano (Parco Nord Biodiversity Festival) and Athens (Balkan Light Conference), was closed in Florence with a presentation I had on September 25 at a conference on “Innovation in environmental education:ICT and intergenerational learning“. This was organized by the … Continue reading End of the September 2015 tour

Palla 21 (or palla eh) tournament in Vetulonia, where you can catch the sea breeze

On August 29 and 30 the palla 21/eh! closes its round of 2015 in Vetulonia, a hamlet in the hills above Castiglione della Pescaia, in Southern Tuscany. After this, there will be a last set to be played in order to close the Torniella tournament, which had to be interrupted on August 9 due to … Continue reading Palla 21 (or palla eh) tournament in Vetulonia, where you can catch the sea breeze

Waiting for the Palla 21 tournament in Piloni, August 22-23: let’s have a swim in the creek

The palla a 21 tournament in Torniella, on August 9, whas interrupted around 8PM due to “impending obscurity”. With the evening approaching, the ball becomes invisible. The most ruthless “mandatori” (the players who serve the ball) will start to lower the serving angle, so the others won’t see it coming, and they are bound to … Continue reading Waiting for the Palla 21 tournament in Piloni, August 22-23: let’s have a swim in the creek