…from the Etruscan print shop in the secret hills (crowdfunding video for Etruschi from Lakota)

A video I produced for the crowdfunding of the third album from Etruschi from Lakota. Please go to the Musicraiser campaign (closing on July 1st)…with many Kudos to Wolfgang Scheibe and Tattistampa: in addition to creating the T-shirts he also lent to Dario Canal the washboard that you see lately in their live shows, in … Continue reading …from the Etruscan print shop in the secret hills (crowdfunding video for Etruschi from Lakota)

No music allowed – episode 1: how did it go?

This was a day with multiple musical nuances. Dario Canal from Etruschi from Lakota arrived around 1PM (after his musical induction classes in the morning). Incidentally, our second guest, Pietro Crivelli, showed up in the main square in Torniella around noon and stated playing fingerpicking guitar for twenty minutes, creating a cool mood, with notes floating in the air. … Continue reading No music allowed – episode 1: how did it go?

April 25th celebrations with four musical phases

In the morning: philarmonic bands, as appropriate for the institutional commemorations. Then, after an excellent meal and a play, in the community hall in Montieri, Southern Tuscany, we witnessed: 2) A live show by Etruschi from Lakota, also starting the crowdfunding campaign for their next album (expected issue date: October). 3) A new gathering of … Continue reading April 25th celebrations with four musical phases

The Jam Session at the end of the three-day International Open Data Day suite by pibinko.org

The report on the three meetings will follow, but the two-hour jam session featuring some of Etruschi from Lakota, Wolfgang Scheibe and Pietro Crivelli needs to be shared now. To make a long story short, during the preparations of the talk (between 5.30 and 6.30PM) Crivelli and Scheibe, laid out a warm-up session with bass and guitar. Andrea Giacomelli … Continue reading The Jam Session at the end of the three-day International Open Data Day suite by pibinko.org

Closing the pibinko.org + Attivarti.org Winter tour (from the Farma Valley in eight regions) at Fa’ la Cosa Giusta

Saturday March 11 the presentation given a Fa’ la Cosa Giusta (the largest Italian fair on sustainable lifestyles) about participatory mapping closed the Winter tour by pibinko.org & Attivarti.org: fifteen events between mid-December and mid-March, with presentation in four Italian regions, and scouting missions in four more (including Côte d’Azur, Corsica, and Sardinia). The tour … Continue reading Closing the pibinko.org + Attivarti.org Winter tour (from the Farma Valley in eight regions) at Fa’ la Cosa Giusta

Photos and videos from the three-day tour during the International Open Data Day in Southern Tuscany

Highlights of the three-day set of events related to our Southern Tuscan participation to the International Open Data Day. Kudos for the three-day marathon go to: Matteo Ceriola, Luca Pau from the “La Posta” cafe, Fernando Tizzi, Elino Rossi, Mario Straccali, Luigi Ciampini, Pietro Marini, Dario Canal, Simone Sandrucci, Pietro Crivelli, Wolfgang Scheibe, Enrico and the … Continue reading Photos and videos from the three-day tour during the International Open Data Day in Southern Tuscany

About a week after the Farma Valley Winter Fest

[TO BE TRANSLATED] Passato il Natale e pur il Natalino – riprende la routine, da Bolzano a Pachino… A una settimana dal Festival, si comincia a condividere una sintesi che è all’interno del gruppo di lavoro cominciata dalla mattina dopo. Personaggi La giornalista (G) L’ingegnere (I) La barRista (B) Il titolare del bar (T) Interno giorno … Continue reading About a week after the Farma Valley Winter Fest

The Gran(i)Tour T-shirt pre-orders are open

Today Dario (Canal) and Wolfgang (Scheibe) are at work in the Tattistampa shop, for the hand-made printing of the first batch of T-shirts for the upcoming Jug Band Colline Metallifere Gran(i)Tour between Tuscany, Trentino, and Germany, from June 14 to June 29. It is possible to pre-order your T-shirt writing to micalosapevo@pibinko.org or +393317539228, indicating … Continue reading The Gran(i)Tour T-shirt pre-orders are open

A representative from the Jug Band Colline Metallifere at the ECSA Conference in Vienna: How did it go?

We announced in early January that a delegation from the Jug Band Colline Metallifere (namely Jack O’Malley and Mauro Tirannosauro) would have been attending the fifth European Citizen Science Association conference. This is a medium-large event for a congress (around 500 participants), with a significant presence of extra-European folks. The topic is “citizen science”, where … Continue reading A representative from the Jug Band Colline Metallifere at the ECSA Conference in Vienna: How did it go?