Come to Tatti (Southern Tuscany) for the metalliferous version of the 2019 International Open Data Day

The Open Data Day is an international event, in its ninth edition, celebrating open data, and its meaning for governments, business, and society all over the world. If this sounds a bit geeky, consider that many public bodies have adopted for some years now open data policies, and that the private sector is not ignoring the topic. You may also check out this short video for an introduction to the topic (and to have a peek of Tatti in the first seconds). uses free/open-source software since 1994, and is actively promoting it since 2004 . In 2008 also started promoting open data, either by promoting specific OpenStreetMap initiatives (such as the m(‘)appare Milano) project, or by producing videos and other communication on this topic (or both).

M(‘)appare Milano, episode 1, Apr. 6, 2008

Also in 2008, the network started creating original data sets. First with the citizen science campaigns on night sky quality with BuioMetria Partecipativa (2009), then, in collaboration with various amateur astronomic observatories, with the creation of the Italian network for light pollution data collection (CORDILIT, since 2011). Our array of data grew then in 2014 with the Farma Valley Community Map, which was cited last year in a Worlb Bank report among 50 best practices of re-use of governmental data by local communities.
The bottom-up place name mapping is the story which proposes also in the 2019 edition of the Open Data Day, adding a new venue, following the Open Data Days in Piloni (2013) and Scansano-Torniella-Castelnuovo Val di Cecina (2017).

The first Tatti Community Map meetup (Dec. 14, 2018)

You can join us on Saturday, March 2, 2019 at 6.00PM in Tatti (Southern Tuscany), this is the part of the metalliferous hills where you can see the sun set behind the Elba Island. The meetup will be at the “circolino”, a small community center, where we will continue to interview and digitizing work started last December in the Third Farma Valley Winter Fest. There is a geographic link between the Farma Valley and Tatti, since the Farma creek originates in fact just North of Tatti, very close to where the locals work and operate (in addition to personal relationships between these communities, encouraging us to merge these two maps).

For more information: o +3317539228

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m(‘)appare is a word I created in 2008 for the m(‘)appare Milano project. it encompasses various ideas on mapping, beholding etc …this section will be update shortly – please write to for more details.

The catalog of the travelling micro-museum, Hotel Lombardi versio, Florence.

To be translated

Questa e’ la parte sostanziale dell’allestimento del micromuseo itinerante di per il 23/2/2019 all’Hotel Lombardi di Firenze (vedi articolo).

Il catalogo completo e’ disponibile su ordinazione, in edizione sia digitale che cartacea, al costo di Euro 750 (comprensivi di tutti gli oneri fiscali) piu’ eventuali spese di spedizione.

NOTA 5/3/2019 – per questioni di tempo non ci e’ al momento possibile inserire link di approfondimento sui singoli articoli. Alcuni di questi sono gia’ documentati sul sito e potete ritrovarli tramite ricerca per parole chiave. Per altri andremo a creare voci specifiche nelle prossime settimane.

Se avete domande o commenti potete comunque scrivere a e saremo lieti di rispondere.

  1. Olio extravergine di oliva az. agricola Ixtlan, Tatti (GR), 2018
  2. Manufatti da tornitura elettronica B.M. di Torniella (GR), 2018
  3. Portatabacco Caffe’ Ricasoli (GR), 2018
  4. Chioccolo prodotto da Edo Giacomelli, circa 1980, da Follonica (GR)
  5. Buiometro Cariddi (2008)
  6. Miele millefiori az. agricola Pacha Mama, Tatti (GR), 2018
  7. Birra Guadagnata, birrificio 26 Nero, Poggibonsi (SI) 2018
  8. Birra Ipnotica, birrificio 26 Nero, Poggibonsi (SI) 2018
  9. Portaqualcosa del Caffe’ Ricasoli, Grosseto, 2018
  10. Insaporitore agli 11 aromi di Tattistampa, Tatti (GR), 2018
  11. Melanzane piccanti az. agricola Loriano Bartoli, Pian d’Alma, Scarlino (GR), 2018
  12. Filo verde per legature agricole (2016)
  13. Metro da muratore (2016)
  14. Accordatore per chitarra (analogico, 1980 circa)
  15. DVD di Six String Samurai (ANNO DA INSERIRE)
  16. Stampa “Maremma stai attento” di Tattistampa (2005?)
  17. Libro di geografia per le colonie estive della Montecatini (1952)
  18. Mappa di comunita’ della Val di Farma, ed. maggio 2018
  19. Articolo sul Bar Moderno di Roccastrada che disdice l’abbonamento a una pay TV per avere piu’ fondi per eventi dal vivo (2018)
  20. Pacchetto turistico che si definisce per esclusione, in collaborazione con Picasso Viaggi, Venturina Terme (LI), 2019
  21. Attrezzi antichi da falegname, dalla bottega di Roberto Serragli, Scalvaia (SI – da datare)
  22. Libro sulla Maremma del Grottanelli (ristampa di edizione ottocentesca)
  23. Originale dell’animazione “Vendetta” (1990?)
  24. Zafferano az. agricola Ixtlan, Tatti (GR)
  25. Vista dell’abbazia di S. Galgano, Olio su tela di Pietro Crivelli, 70×100 (2019)
  26. Palline di palla a 21 o palla eh! (varie epoche a partire dagli anni ’70)
  27. Panforte (il gioco, non il prodotto) – da datare
  28. Magliette (2008)
  29. Guantoni da boxe (due paia), prestati dal Boxing Club Firenze – da datare
  30. Giu’ la Testa degli Etrushi from Lakota (CD, 2017)
  31. Striscione Jug Band Colline Metallifere (2018)
  32. Alberi in filo di ferro e perline di Forestano Giacomelli (1990 circa)
  33. Shardana e Sardegna, di Giovanni Ugas, 2016
  34. Chitarra acustica LAG (acquistata ad Ajaccio), 2017
  35. Spazzole per batteria
  36. Video dell’Ing. Fabio Bettio che racconta la storia della digitalizzazione dei Giganti di Mont’e Prama

What is a drummer and PhD in Hydrology doing in Florence selling archaeological tourism destinations?


Jack O’Malley, drummer and scientific director of the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band, at the end of the preparation of the seller table at the “Buy Cultural Tourism” session at TourismA, the national fair of cultural and archaeological tourism.

To appreciate what a percussionist and PhD in hydrology is doing by selling archaeological tourism destinations in Florence, you may read the English version of the press release from which an article from Il Tirreno Grosseto edition was derived on Feb 21, 2019. Or you may give five minutes of your time to browse random sections of the site.

Kudos to the Comité Régional de Tourisme Nouvelle-Aquitaine for the picture, and to Colangelo for the assistance in setting up the set.

Last but not least, do not forget the aperitivo-jams session with the Farma Valley and Friends micro-museum. This is organized by in collaboration with Hotel Lombardi, via Fiume 8, Florence, and will be on Saturday, Feb. 23, from 6PM to 8PM (a reservation is needed to or +393317539228)

All the beauties of the Farma Valley will be showcased in Florence (Il Tirreno, Grosseto Edition, Feb. 21, 2019)

The article elaborates on a post I published on Feb 18, 2019: Florence, Feb 22-24, 2019, Hotel Lombardi: Culture, Environment, and Open Innovation from the Farma Valley and friends.

The photo is actually a shot I made in Dec. 2016, just before the first Farma Valley Winter Fest. The view is from Piloni, looking North, with Torniella in the middle, and some power or telecom lines in the image.

The branobag: what is it?

“branobag” is the title a gave to a column initially part of my informal blog, and since 2019 integrated in the official site.

In these articles, which are also sent via e-mail to a selected number of subscribers, I propose a song, often the translation of the lyrics in Italian and in the original language of the song, maybe a photo, and a comment.

Currently the branobags are published only in the Italian version of the site (but you can still enjoy the music and learn some Italian through the translations of the lyrics).

Support to Legislation and Policy Making

Since 2004 I have periodically participated to initiatives or actual projects related to the definition of policies and regulations at different territorial scales, from municipal to global.

Local (municipal) level

I attended various participatory design initiatives related to environmental or land planning issues in Cagliari (Sardinia), Gavorrano, Scarlino, and Roccastrada (Tuscany). Since 2004.

In 2015, in my role as president, I attended the definition of the participatory budget for the town of Grosseto (capital of Southern Tuscany). Here I presented a proposal for the protection and promotion of nightscapes, oriented to benefits for citizens.

Local (province) scale

In 2009 I participated as an expert to the public review of the tender subsequently issued by the Province of Grosseto for the co-funding of a science and technology park on mechanics. This is active since 2016 in Cinigiano, Southern Tuscany.

In 2011 I took part in a participatory design workshop called “Chiamati in causa per investire” (i.e. “Called to invest”). This was proposed by the Province of Grosseto for the prioritisation of about 40 MEUR of public spending. Out of various ideas and proposal recored during the workshops, in the final session of the event one of the rapporteurs mentioned palla a 21 and buiometria partecipativa)

Local (regional) scale

In collaboration with Francesco Giubbilini, based on the BuioMetria Partecipativa project, we participated in 2012 to the public consultation concerning the revision of Tuscany’s Environment and Energy master plan. We provided eight comments, four of which were accepted. Among others, the plan acknowledges night sky as a resource for tourism and environment.

National scale

I was invited to take part in the drafting of part of a national law (however I could not participated due to technical issues)

European Union scale

In 2010 I was part of a European Commission working group for a workshop on EU policies on the Digital Earth initiative. The ideas defined in this workshop have been consolidated in an article on “A European perspective on Digital Earth“.

In 2011 I was invited at a workshop jointly organized by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre and NASA for the ideas on key areas for research funding (Socio-economic Benefits from the use of Earth Observation). On that specific occasion I proposed a presentation called “Accounting for People in Earth Observation – Some Experiences from Italy” . The workshop proceedings are available.

Between April 2012 and October 2012 I was appointed as the facilitator for a working group of five experts for the creation of the data specifications for the “Production and Industrial Facilities” theme (Annex III of the European INSPIRE Directive on spatial data infrastructures).

Global scale

In 2015 I was selected as one of the Italian citizens for a meeting leading the collection of ideas to be reported to the Italian government for the definition of the COP15 Paris agenda. Namely, I attended the meeting in Florence.

Music and Rhymes

updated Sep. 2018

Music (and rhymes) not just as a form of entertainment, but to convey environmental and land planning issues.

2000- to date: photo sets of live shows (up to 2006 and after 2006

2012- to date: daily posts on music with the Branobag and Bosco Riserva

2010-2014: design, development, and maintenance (including a weekly newsletter) for the LO-FI club in Milano

2011 e 2015: Presenter for the musical afternoons of the May 1st celebrations in Piloni-Torniella (typical attendance: 500 people), introducing seven bands in 2011 and four in 2015

2006 – to date: production of musical videos, or videos with live soundtracks (typically from lesser known bands, buskers, etc.).

Since 2006: composition of rhymes (normally improvised, mostly in Italian, but occasionally in English)

2012: Collaboration for the 100th anniversary of the Torniella Philarmonic Band (with the creation of the digital archive for the band, and other promotional material)

2005 – Organization of two concerts for the Nema Problema Orkestar (Milan and Massa Marittima, Tuscany)

2009 – New Year’s Eve party in piazza del Popolo in Torniella, with the Fabulous Filters (psycho garage rock from Anzano del Parco, Como)

2011 – Teleporting Ottava Rima poets, tenores di Orgosolo and other Sardinian poets in his grandma’s living room in Scansano, Southern Tuscany

2012 – New Year’s Eve party in Torniella, with Hardisco (leading to five more concerts in the area during the following year

2014 Ottava Rima workshop in Grosseto (link in Italian)

2015 Ottava rima workshop in a confidential location (link in Italian)

2016 – Booked date for De’ Soda Sisters in Palazzetto (Chiusdino, Southern Tuscany)

2016 – Creator and manager of the Farma Valley Winter Fest, with five live sets in three days

2017 – Geomatics and music poster at the FOSS4G-IT conference in Genova, Italy, including live show

2017 – Jam session after the International Open Data Day in Castelnuovo Val di Cecina, Tuscany

2017 – International webinar on open-source geomatics, environment, and music

2017 – Second Farma Valley Fest

2018 – Etruschi & Friends Country Session at the White Rabbit Hole in Tuscany

2018 – launch of the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band

2018 – Third Farma Valley Winter Fest

2019 – Since Spring 2019 all music-related activities by are documented on