PORGEP stands for pibinko.org Exchange Program, or “programma di scambio pibinko.org” in Italian.

This idea was started in a non-casual manner in 2006. The concept is to create a situation where at least three subjects meet, having some affinities and some strong differences, but with a common goal of personal growth. The outcome can be documented under the form of positive feedback from the participants and the hosts, professional qualification, and socio-economic benefits of various sorts. Most of the initiatives which you see documented from the pibinko.org web site (e.g. the More info on…, News,in the media, Services), especially from Fall 2006 onwards, are based on a PORGEP logic.

Would you like to be a part of PORGEP?

This can be as a participant, as a host, or as a sponsor. In any case, please express your interest by sending an e-mail toinfo@pibinko.org, specifying the role you envision, a topic (either within those managed by the pibinko.org network, or a new one), and potential places and dates.

You will be then contacted to discuss your idea more in detail.

The Hungry March Band from Brooklyn, NY, in Cagliari, Sardinia, Summer 2005

Sharing the Perception of Credibility in Participatory Investigation (2019) – draft

Noisy-Champs (Paris, France) Feb. 2, 2019, 3.30PM

Presentation of the discussion by (in alphabetical order) Giacomelli A., Goebel C, Vargiu A., Van Reeth N, Zimmerman N, concerning the issue of credibility in the context of participatory investigation. Closing session of the workshop “Empowering civil society through participatory investigation?” promoted by the European Citizen Science Association in collaboration with various subjects.

In this summary I applied for the first time in public an idea which I had in 2014 or 2015 in Scansano (Southern Tuscany) during breakfast at Bar delle Cascine (the notes of this are in Tatti, Southern Tuscany).

I proposed to my colleagues the idea of putting this draft into a better shape, since all the workshop participants found it very interesting for its contents and the way they were presented…this is a work in progress in February. If you are interested to know more, please write to info@pibinko.org.

2018 Activity Summary of the pibinko.org Network: Services on Culture, Environment, and Open Innovation

A two-page summary presenting the 2018 pibinko.org network activities is available (download PDF).

The same document provides a brief presentation of the network, and of how this developed starting from 2006, in the combination of urban sprawls, rural areas, ancient games, post-modern technologies, tattoos, covers of 1911 blues songs, sandwiches with marinate anchovies, beatboxing, boxing, and…

…know-how and expertise which apparently has a certain level of inspiration, as demonstrated by various testimonials and the media coverage concerning our stories.

It will help to complement the report with

  • the presentation of the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band project, for its “geomusical” aspects.
  • A review of the characters you will find under the pibinko.org “Collaborations” section
  • the pibinko.org homepage: each time you load this you get ten random posts from our blog (with over 1000 posts), if you would like to follow on of our stories, but don’t know where to start from

For more information, or inquiries: info@pibinko.org or +39 331 7539 228

Darkness Conference at the Svalbard Islands, Jan. 15/16 2019: how did it go?

by Luciano Massetti – CNR IBIMET Firenze (l.massetti@ibimet.cnr.it)

DARKNESS was the topic discussed during the full arctic night in Longyearbyen, the northernmost city of the world (latitude ~ 78° N), in the Svalbard Islands, North of Norway.

Foto: Luisa del Giudice

The conference had over 90 experts from 22 countries, dealing with the topic of darkness from multiple angles.

Foto: Luciano Massetti

Luciano Massetti presented the joint activities conducted by CNR IBIMET in collaboration with the Department of Biology from the University of Pisa and the BuioMetria Partecipativa project.