After three Palla a 21/palla eh! tournaments, waiting for the fourth

I’ve been following the game of palla a 21 (or palla eh!) since 2007, the year we brought the ball to Chicago, Illinois. In addition, I’ve been looking at it from various angles, and working on its promotion and definition of its role in relation to other things going on. This year I missed the … Continue reading After three Palla a 21/palla eh! tournaments, waiting for the fourth

With Bob and Mariano at S. Maria alla Scala for the Siena Capital of Culture Workshop

TO BE TRANSLATED ‘ Sintesi estrema di questa storia, se non avete tempo: Mariano di Scalvaia (al centro nella foto di testa) 1 – Ecosistema Culturale Nazionale 0. Altrimenti, proseguite, sulle note dei Seguridad Social Nel 2014 varie città italiane concorrevano per definire quale sarebbe stata la candidata a capitale europea della cultura 2019. Fu … Continue reading With Bob and Mariano at S. Maria alla Scala for the Siena Capital of Culture Workshop

Opening of the 2014 buiometria partecipativa campaign at La Combriccola – Torniella

[TO BE TRANSLATED] L’incontro si è svolto dalle 14.30 alle 17 circa, presso il bar vineria La Combriccola di Torniella, frazione di Roccastrada (GR), nel versante sud della valle del Farma. Chi trovate fra le 14.30 e le 17 circa di un febbraio caldo e grigio nel versante sud della valle del Farma, con una … Continue reading Opening of the 2014 buiometria partecipativa campaign at La Combriccola – Torniella


In this section you can see places where I have been active with projects and events. The locations are classified in four categories, from “local” to “global”, and considering the hub in the Metalliferous Hills of Southern Tuscany, about two hours South of Florence (or three hours North of Rome).Then again, it is not infrequent … Continue reading Places

They day the ball got me – Connecting tiny Tuscan villages and large USA towns

[originally published on the platform] In December 2006, due to an overly long connection between flights in Chicago, USA, I ended up spending a couple of hours downtown…in a totally unplanned fashion. In this brief outing, I ended up learning about an opportunity to submit applications for ideas in the Summer 2007 calendar of … Continue reading They day the ball got me – Connecting tiny Tuscan villages and large USA towns

Poster on poster: Indigenous Community Conservation in the Farma Valley, Southern Tuscany

Presented at the Understanding Community Conservation in Europe Summer School in Gerace, Calabria, Italy, on Sep. 11/15, 2011.  If you do some combination of right-click operation you should be able to see the poster with a larger size, and more readable characters. For more information on the Farma Valley Communities see also this page and … Continue reading Poster on poster: Indigenous Community Conservation in the Farma Valley, Southern Tuscany