It’s in Florence: returning soon (the Farma Valley Community Map)

TO BE TRANSLATED Nell’immagine in evidenza sopra, Mario Straccali, con valido supporto morale, completa la campitura artigianale dello scotch di carta usato per spiegare che se la bacheca su cui da un paio di anni spicca la mappa di comunita’ della Val di Farma (anche citata in un rapporto della Banca Mondiale) e’ vuota, c’e’ … Continue reading It’s in Florence: returning soon (the Farma Valley Community Map)

M’illumino di meno 2019 is also in San Vincenzo (Tuscany) with BuioMetria Partecipativa

M’illumino di meno is a format created in 2005 by the famous radio show Caterpillar, aired by RAI Radio 2 to raise awareness on environmental sustainability, inviting activists, institutions and businesses to organize events on the same day (the Friday between end of February and early Marchh) to engage citizens with presentations, performances and other … Continue reading M’illumino di meno 2019 is also in San Vincenzo (Tuscany) with BuioMetria Partecipativa

The catalog of the travelling micro-museum, Hotel Lombardi versio, Florence.

To be translated Questa e’ la parte sostanziale dell’allestimento del micromuseo itinerante di per il 23/2/2019 all’Hotel Lombardi di Firenze (vedi articolo). Il catalogo completo e’ disponibile su ordinazione, in edizione sia digitale che cartacea, al costo di Euro 750 (comprensivi di tutti gli oneri fiscali) piu’ eventuali spese di spedizione. NOTA 5/3/2019 – … Continue reading The catalog of the travelling micro-museum, Hotel Lombardi versio, Florence.

Support to Legislation and Policy Making

Since 2004 I have periodically participated to initiatives or actual projects related to the definition of policies and regulations at different territorial scales, from municipal to global. Local (municipal) level I attended various participatory design initiatives related to environmental or land planning issues in Cagliari (Sardinia), Gavorrano, Scarlino, and Roccastrada (Tuscany). Since 2004. In 2015, … Continue reading Support to Legislation and Policy Making

The Revenge of the Killer Chihuahua and of the Zombies: Fiction or Documentary?

[TO BE TRANSLATED] [to be translated – please write to in the meantime] L’articolo stile pagina “cultura” scritto in occasione del decennale La traduzione del titolo in una ventina tra lingue e dialetti, tra cui a quella in geroglifico egizio. Trailer #1 (teaser) Trailer #2 (quello fatto bene) Trailer #3 (quello del bancomat) Intervista con Lucio Monocrom, … Continue reading The Revenge of the Killer Chihuahua and of the Zombies: Fiction or Documentary?

On Feb. 23 the Farma Valley Winter Fest goes to Florence in a “bonsai” version

Between Dec. 14 and 16, 2018, the third Farma Valley Winter Fest was held in Southern Tuscany, in four hamlets halfway between Siena and Grosseto (Piloni, Torniella, Scalvaia, and Tatti). The motto for the initiative was “three days of pici, love, and music”, recalling the Woodstock festival and a typical pasta from Southern Tuscany. The … Continue reading On Feb. 23 the Farma Valley Winter Fest goes to Florence in a “bonsai” version

Publication of EU GPP criteria for road lighting and traffic signals

In the context of the European collaborations that we manage via the BuioMetria Partecipativa project, in 2017 we started to follow a working group concerning the update of the Green Public Procurement guidelines for road lighting and traffic signals. This group is coordinated by the Joint Research Centre (from its Sevilla, Spain, facility), and in … Continue reading Publication of EU GPP criteria for road lighting and traffic signals

Web (since 2008, various versions) – my blog (2011) – social activism (2011) BuioMetria Partecipativa (with Francesco Giubbilini, since 2008, various versions) – on the game of Palla a 21 (or Palla Eh!) (since 2007, various versions) Toscana Foto Festival (2014-2015) (note: the site was dismissed in 2016 following a re-organization of … Continue reading Web

Promotion, communication, facilitation

Since 2006 I have been working in a growing array of projects related to promotion, outreach, facilitation, and community engagement. For these activities, I often collaborate with other professionals or organizations. The track record is provided below. Individual events or very short projects (e.g. a one week campaign or a presentation) are listed separate from … Continue reading Promotion, communication, facilitation