A Winter Fest where things happen, if at all, in the Summer

[TO BE TRANSLATED] Musica, fotografia, open data, monitoraggio del cielo notturno e pici all’aglione: tutto insieme senza fare indigestione. Se avete fretta, saltate direttamente alla pagina del Festival d’inverno in Val di Farma. Altrimenti, mettete un po’ di sottofondo soft, e procedete: Dal 17 al 19 dicembre 2016 la bassa Toscana ospita un evento forse non … Continue reading A Winter Fest where things happen, if at all, in the Summer

Il Tirreno (Grosseto edition), Dec. 5, 2016: A Winter Festival to discover the Farma Valley

This article covers the first public announcement for the Farma Valley Winter Festival. A pagina 15 (terza pagina della cronaca locale), articolo di Giovanna Mezzana. L’articolo originale è sul sito de Il Tirreno. Sotto riportiamo una versione integrata da link. Dal 17 al 19 dicembre concerti, passeggiate e buona cucina È l’idea dell’associazione che esportò … Continue reading Il Tirreno (Grosseto edition), Dec. 5, 2016: A Winter Festival to discover the Farma Valley

End of the September 2015 tour

The September tour, opened with the preview in Ribolla, Southern Tuscany, and contined with the dates in Milano (Parco Nord Biodiversity Festival) and Athens (Balkan Light Conference), was closed in Florence with a presentation I had on September 25 at a conference on “Innovation in environmental education:ICT and intergenerational learning“. This was organized by the … Continue reading End of the September 2015 tour

A report on the Sep 8, 2015 meeting in Ribolla

The meeting, held at the Civic Centre of Ribolla, a former mining village in Southern Tuscany, was attended by about 15 people, including the presence of the administrators from the Municipality of Roccastrada. Some of the citizens and public authorities who previously expressed their interest in participating then wrote they could not come and apologised. … Continue reading A report on the Sep 8, 2015 meeting in Ribolla

After three Palla a 21/palla eh! tournaments, waiting for the fourth

I’ve been following the game of palla a 21 (or palla eh!) since 2007, the year we brought the ball to Chicago, Illinois. In addition, I’ve been looking at it from various angles, and working on its promotion and definition of its role in relation to other things going on. This year I missed the … Continue reading After three Palla a 21/palla eh! tournaments, waiting for the fourth

The “LoNNe” intercomparison campaign in Tuscany: how did it go?

[TO BE TRANSLATED/ABRIDGED] …. Si è conclusa venerdì 27-3  la missione toscana della rete di ricerca europea “Loss of the Night“, avviata il 21-22 marzo scorso con alcune misurazioni a Torniella, frazione di Roccastrada (GR) e proseguita nel corso della settimana con altre misurazioni in zona urbana, presso l’Istituto di Biometeorologia (IBIMET) del CNR di … Continue reading The “LoNNe” intercomparison campaign in Tuscany: how did it go?

Opening of the 2014 buiometria partecipativa campaign at La Combriccola – Torniella

[TO BE TRANSLATED] L’incontro si è svolto dalle 14.30 alle 17 circa, presso il bar vineria La Combriccola di Torniella, frazione di Roccastrada (GR), nel versante sud della valle del Farma. Chi trovate fra le 14.30 e le 17 circa di un febbraio caldo e grigio nel versante sud della valle del Farma, con una … Continue reading Opening of the 2014 buiometria partecipativa campaign at La Combriccola – Torniella


In this section you can see places where I have been active with projects and events. The locations are classified in four categories, from “local” to “global”, and considering the hub in the Metalliferous Hills of Southern Tuscany, about two hours South of Florence (or three hours North of Rome).Then again, it is not infrequent … Continue reading Places