CPNS2018-5/28: The Sky of Montsec. How a Dark Sky is Impacting the Economy of a Rural Area

[This article is part of the “Capraia Night Sky Symposium, reloaded” series , and is also available in Catalan– check this introduction to learn more] S.J. Ribas (1) , J. Vilajoli (2) 1 – Parc Astronòmic Montsec, Consell Comarcal de la Noguera, Camí del coll d’Ares s/n E25691 Àger, Lleida, Spain sjribas@montsec.cat 2 – Consell … Continue reading CPNS2018-5/28: The Sky of Montsec. How a Dark Sky is Impacting the Economy of a Rural Area

CPNS2018-2/28: Incorporating Light Pollution into Cumulative Effects Assessment in Coastal Areas of the Italian Adriatic Sea

[This article is part of the “Capraia Night Sky Symposium, reloaded” series – check this introduction to learn more] D. Depellegrin (1) , M. Drius (1) , S. Menegon (1), G. Farella (1) , L. Zaggia (1) , F. Falchi (2) , A. Pugnetti (1) , L. Bongiorni (1) (1) Institute of Marine Sciences, National … Continue reading CPNS2018-2/28: Incorporating Light Pollution into Cumulative Effects Assessment in Coastal Areas of the Italian Adriatic Sea

Sep. 27, 2018: Etruschi & Friends Country Session at the White Rabbit Hole in Tuscany

On Thursday, Sep. 27, 2018 we were invited at the Tana del Bianconiglio (White Rabbit Hole) recording studio in Montecchio, a tiny village not far from Pisa, for a recording session putting together three generations and moods from different latitudes. Let’s see who was there, and how they got to this spot. The line-up The headliners, and hosts, … Continue reading Sep. 27, 2018: Etruschi & Friends Country Session at the White Rabbit Hole in Tuscany

Save the date: Sat. June 24, Buiometria Partecipativa in Gerfalco, Southern Tuscany

Sturday, June 24, at 10PM at the Casa Rurale ex Croce Rossa in Gerfalco, we will have a BuioMetria Partecipativa evening. Andrea Giacomelli, MS and Phd in environmental engineering, creator of the project in 2008, will help the participants in conducting measurements of night sky quality, while learning about various issue related to artificial light … Continue reading Save the date: Sat. June 24, Buiometria Partecipativa in Gerfalco, Southern Tuscany

A moment of “civic” engineering at the Politecnico di Milano

With the Etruschi from Lakota missing from the scene, on this round, during the lecture on Land protection and planning: interdisciplinary experiences from ten years of projects from a lesser known area of Southern Tuscany, I showed the unplugged version of Il contadino magro (i.e. The Skinny Farmer) taken from the Apr. 7 webinar for the … Continue reading A moment of “civic” engineering at the Politecnico di Milano

No Live Music Allowed – ep. 1: In the Hilly Valleys (May 9, 2017, Torniella)

Tuesday May 9, 2017, in Torniella, Farma Valley, Tuscany, we will have the first episode of a series which will unfold during the coming months (see the flyer, in Italian). We want to raise the issue of the complexity of playing live music (especially for a living) in areas which are far from the big … Continue reading No Live Music Allowed – ep. 1: In the Hilly Valleys (May 9, 2017, Torniella)

Politecnico di Milano, May 30, 2017: Land protection and planning: interdisciplinary experiences from ten years of projects from a lesser known area of Southern Tuscany.

On May 30, at 10.30AM, I will give a lecture at the Politecnico di Milano (the third since 2011). We will meet in the Aula Rossa, building 4A of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, campus Leonardo. If you can’t make it, I will be in town from May 29 to May 31st, and … Continue reading Politecnico di Milano, May 30, 2017: Land protection and planning: interdisciplinary experiences from ten years of projects from a lesser known area of Southern Tuscany.

April 25th celebrations with four musical phases

In the morning: philarmonic bands, as appropriate for the institutional commemorations. Then, after an excellent meal and a play, in the community hall in Montieri, Southern Tuscany, we witnessed: 2) A live show by Etruschi from Lakota, also starting the crowdfunding campaign for their next album (expected issue date: October). 3) A new gathering of … Continue reading April 25th celebrations with four musical phases

BuioMetria Partecipativa (participatory night sky monitoring)

(Since February 2008) In 2008 I created and launched the  BuioMetria Partecipativa (BMP) project. The project is a combination of awareness raising, participatory light pollution monitoring, and promotion of dark-sky areas. It is primarily focused on Italy in terms of monitoring area, but operates on an international scale in terms of vision and relations. The … Continue reading BuioMetria Partecipativa (participatory night sky monitoring)

A summary of experiences from Italy in the Loss of the Night Network

The “Loss of the Night” project, funded by the EU COST programme, terminated its four years of activity at the end of October. This article provides a brief summary of the project and of its relations to Italy. Some context Artificial light at night, if used in excess or inappropriately, will generate light pollution, which … Continue reading A summary of experiences from Italy in the Loss of the Night Network