Ersilia’s House in Torniella, Southern Tuscany

…it’s right below the little green arrow in the picture:

Ersilia’s House is available for rent for short periods, during all of the year. Please write for enquiries.

It is a large (five rooms plus bathroom) apartment in Piazza del Popolo, Torniella, part of the Roccastrada Municipality in Southern Tuscany. The two balconies facing the square are highlighted in the picture during a game of the very peculiar and ancient “palla a 21“.

This is a sketch of the apartment layout:


Torniella is half way between Siena and Grosseto, along the old State Road connecting Arezzo to the sea (now transformed in a secondary road). To give you some wider bearings, it is some 250 km North of Rome, or 100 km South of Florence.
The hamlet is an ideal base camp for activities both in the Farma Valley and in the to other parts of Southern Tuscany, stretching from the sea, to Mount Amiata, the Orcia Valley and other landmarks.

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Furthermore, the community in Torniella, together with the two other hamlets in the Farma Valley, Piloni and Scalvaia, offers a lively array of initiatives.
The traditional events are represented by the May 1st celebrations and the palla a 21 tournaments.
In addition, since 2007, the Valley has become the hub for a series of innovative activities and projects, often obtaining international visibility and national media coverage. For more information about these projects, where you can also be involved if interested, please refer to other sections of the site, or check out

Some snapshots from Ersilia’s House

View from the balconies, looking East

The kitchen

The living room

The bedrooms

View looking West