Happy sixth birthday, BuioMetria Partecipativa

Tidying up some papers, we noted that on June 9, 2008, the BuioMetria Partecipativa project had its first presentation to the public.

The birth was recorded (we had a videocamera) at the former Cinema Mori in Ribolla, Southern Tuscany, now hosting various civic facilities for the Municipality of Roccastrada, in addition to being one of the entry points to the Tuscan Mining Geopark.

The even had national visibility: Francesco Giubbilini, who gave the presentation, was interviewed by RAI Radio Due, and this started the participatory process which today sees the project still committed in the collection of measurements, awareness raising actions, and more issues presented through the buiometriapartecipativa.org and attivarti.org sites.

An informal recollection of what was going on in that season is available in the “brief history of BMP”, a work in progress started by pibinko in 2012, and you may check the June 2008 episode in English or Italian)

With the publication of a first semester report due in a few weeks, today we liked the idea of remembering the June 9 2008 event and to share this with you.