Dopo l’annuncio dell’evento sul sito e il rilancio de Il Tirreno ed. Grosseto, vediamo qualche fase saliente della giornata del 2 marzo 2019 a Tatti, frazione di Massa Marittima (GR), per la nona edizione dello International Open Data Day. Tranne le prime due (di pibinko), le foto sono di Valeria Trumpy dell’Agricampeggio Ixtlan.
Gabrio Giannini and Auro Luti at work in the “Barrino”… …with a pool of experts to back them up.
The action then moved over to the “Circolino”…where Pietro Crivelli gave us some “musipainting”…Vladimiro Durastanti (Pacha Mama farm) did some honeygraphyGuido Bendinelli (Ixtlan Agricamping), who also learned to digitze points with QGIS, who did some saffronmaticsThe engineers Lombardelli and Giacomelli (we need engineers with names ending in -elli ) played as engineers…and more or less everybody interacted with each other….with a reverse angle, parts of the Metalliferous HIlls Jug Band, and a 12-string guitar kindly provided by Oliver Gangemi…and, as a grand finale:
This is a draft version of the points of interest recorded as of March 2, 2019 (not all names are displayed). On the top right, in blue, part of the Farma creek catchment.
Kudos to Sergio Cappelletti, and all those who contributed to the success of this initiative.