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La rete pibinko.org nel contesto della New European Bauhaus

La rete pibinko.org è stata riconosciuta fra gli “amici della New European Bauhaus initiative” dalla Commissione Europea. Sotto la scheda che abbiamo presentato. Per altre informazioni e booking: micalosapevo@pibinko.org.


Andrea Giacomelli <info@pibinko.org>



About us:

The pibinko.org network operates since 2007 on interdisciplinary projects on the promotion and/or protection of lesser-know assets in the field of culture, environment, and open innovation. These projects are built with a bottom-up approach, and are always co-designed involving experts and local communities, with an emphasis on empowerment, inclusiveness, and equality. All of our activities come with a soundtrack, as we use music as a primary engagement and facilitation vehicle (and part of the network also performs in professional gigs as an art+science collective, so we actually write songs as soundtracks to our work). The NEB framework reflects a lot of the work we have been developing over the past 15 years, so we are looking forward to contribute with what the NEB community will consider as best practices, which can easily be replicated in other locations. As we are based in Southern Tuscany, we can also easily procure interesting venues for other NEB communiy members.

Our size:


We have a community of 30000 people

Field of activity:

Other field of activity

We work in a truly interdisciplinary mode (we need 9 fields)

Event and experience creation and management: Since 2007, and not stopping during lockdowns. Music: “ConcerPT” entertainment with the Jug Band Colline Metallifere arts+science collective. Also, providing art direction and booking in collaboration with several venues in Italy. Interesting Locations for rent (Farm houses, vacation homes, resorts, agricampings, castles, as well as research sites) Itineraries: in-depth knowledge of South-Western Tuscany for various segments of visitors “Mouthwatering stuff” produced by family-run businesses not only from Tuscany and not only from Italy Geographic information systems, websites and databases Environmental engineering and land planning Translations and language-related services: from English to Italian Production of photo sets and videos Promotion, communication, facilitation Consulting, training, and mentoring We work in Italian, English, or French, and are acquainted with other languages (Portugues, Spanish, German)

Client type:

We have a community of Culture, environment, open innovation, music people


We have a community of Sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusion are in the DNA of our network. Since 2006 we have developed projects on the protection and promotion of lesser-known assets in the fields of culture, environment, and open innovation using mainly participatory processes, facilitation, and empowerment methods which we have co-designed putting together scientist and urban activists with citizens from marginal rural areas. Our base in in Southern Tuscany, and we operate internationally. people

Alignment with the New European Bauhaus values:
  • we offer access to labour to the underprivileged
  • we use circular approaches across our entire production cycle
  • we mainly reinvest our profit into our activity
  • we compensate fairly, without inequalities
  • we adopt open and participative governance structures
  • we adopt design-centred trans-disciplinary approaches throughout our practices
  • other

As above, we are already used to work with the values proposed by the NEB, so rather than planning on how to integrate them in our day-to-day activity, I would propose to our key collaborators to “map” the values we are currently promoting to NEB values. Should any gaps appear, we will work on covering them. In any case we have monthly meetings where these values can be reviewed, and “integration actions” can be adopted where necessary.

Motivation to become partner or friend:
  • Sharing knowledge within the multi-disciplinary community of partners
  • Taking my activities to the next level by working together with others from the multi-disciplinary community of partners
  • Influencing the New European Bauhaus concept itself
  • Influencing broader EU policy related to the New European Bauhaus
  • Gaining visibility
  • Being able to better inform my local community about what the New European Bauhaus is
  • Being able to better help my local community to apply for funding related to the New European Bauhaus
  • Being able to better help local stakeholders near me to be part of the New European Bauhaus movement and integrate its values
Engagement with the New European Bauhaus:

Acting as the hub network of small (or micro-) businesses, associations, and other local actors with a very global view of the issues we are tackling, we would like to engage with the NEB community following a process which has proved to be successful in the past with other communities. The concept is not new (it could be summarised as “what can we do for NEB + what can NEB do for us”), with the variant that (a) we use songs as a primary communication vehicle (b) In our first months in the community we will dedicate efforts to explain the NEB principles and framework to our local collaborators (and their communities, which cover roughly the South-Western quadrant of Tuscany, plus the city of Milano as base points), and propose to other NEB community members material and events (e.g. meetings, combining physical and online presence) to better introduce us. Based on this “icebreaking” phase, further initiatives will follow.

Since 2007 we have a record of an average of almost one event per month, and at least weekly updates sent to our audience via various online channels, plus “traditional” media. The plan is simply to embed NEB values (which are actually already at the core of our work since 2007, but called differently) in our awareness raising/promotion work.

We are interested in:

We work on extremely diverse projects, but – independently of the topics and locations – our priorities are on re-balancing the distribution of certain assets around Europe (and not ignoring extra-European regions). In particular, we are interested in setting up twinning/exchange operations which will help (a) citizens from disadvantage rural areas to gain expertise and know-how on non-rural issues, helping them to improve the quality of their life and to mitigate population loss in these areas (we are also based in one of these areas, by the way) (b) citizens from urban settings to learn more about “rural ways” which the can re-apply in their home environments. Since 2017 our projects are engineered to provide educational/training credits (for those who need them as a formal way to document their personal growth).


We have experience working in EU-related projects since 1994. Personally, I have been the facilitator of a working group for the creation of the INSPIRE Directive, and have acted as the Italian representative in a COST Action, worked twice as a EU project reviewer, etc. – so we are quite familiar in terms of connecting to EU-related initiatives. I am also quite familiar with the concept of acting as a “bridge” or an “ambassador” between EU-level initiatives and local communities…so I cannot be more specific at this stage, but on a case-by-case basis I do not foresee issues in providing a productive support from the pibinko.org network.

Ribolla -25-5-22: Incontro per la Via delle Città Etrusche

Il pomeriggio del 25-5 si è tenuto presso la Porta del Parco (ex Cinema Mori) di Ribolla (GR) uno degli incontri pubblici nell’ambito del progetto Itinerario Culturale Via delle Città Etrusche (vedi annuncio del Comune di Roccastrada del 19-5). Dopo aver collaborato alla progettazione esecutiva del tracciato per conto di IRIS Ambiente, sto supportando alcuni dei Comuni partecipanti al progetto a svolgere le ultime verifiche prima dell’avvio dei lavori.

Quello di ieri non è stato il primo momento di confronto con la cittadinanza nell’ambito del progetto (già durante i sopralluoghi ci sono stati diversi contatti), ma è sempre interessante e importante avere nuove occasioni di questo tipo.

Per altre informazioni: micalosapevo@pibinko.org oppure whatsapp 3317539228

Il percorso previsto al gennaio 2022

Notiziario rete pibinko.org. n° 108 del 23-5-22 – Cultura, ambiente, innovazione libera e musica

Con l’onda di attività che si stanno combinando nella somma delle cose dei vari personaggi con cui la rete pibinko.org collabora, è necessario far ripartire il notiziario settimanale.

Per ricevere il notiziario direttamente via email: scrivete a newsletter-it-subscribe@moltobello.info un messaggio senza oggetto e senza testo. Riceverete in automatico un secondo messaggio che vi chiede la conferma dell’iscrizione e una volta risposto a quello riceverete il notiziario via mail. Facile.

Cose recenti che potreste esservi persi:

E’ uscito ieri (domenica 22-5) un nuovo brano della Jug Band Colline Metallifere: la storia di Fuffi, il gatto esperto di cambiamento climatico. Lo trovate per ora in versione “demo” eseguita da Jack O’Malley alla chitarra e Mauro Tirannosauro alla voce, ma lo potrete risentire nelle prossime date della JBCM: per ascoltare, eccovi il link.

Per la settimana corrente (in corsivo cose organizzate da altri e in carattere normale quelle in cui sono coinvolti i colleghi della rete pibinko.org in modo diretto):

  • 24 Massa Marittima GR Bike Garage and More -Pippo Ricciardi Stand-up Comedy
  • 25 ore 17.30 Ribolla GR – Incontro sul progetto Cammino delle Città Etrusche – Porta del Parco (link)
  • 26 ore 19 Massa Marittima GR Bike Garage and More – Compagnia degli Scapestrati live
  • 27 – Follonica GR – Dalla parte di Dalla (con Dario Canal e Simone Sandrucci)
  • 29 ore 14 Marina di Grosseto -Hotel Terme Marine- La Maremma delle idee (con intervento di Andrea Giacomelli tra le 14 e le 15 – link)
  • 29 ore 17-19.30 Tatti GR Agricampeggio Ixtlan – Al di là della materia: workshop teorico-esperienziale sul dualismo quantistico onda-particella

Date importanti più avanti:

  • L’evento sulle storie della palla a 21 da Altrimondi a Follonica, inizialmente programmato per il 21-5 è stato rimandato a sabato 9 luglio ore 18.30 – segnatevi la data e seguiranno nuove presentazioni.
  • Sabato 4 giugno, da mezzogiorno a mezzanotte, tutti a Monterotondo Marittimo (GR) per l’Eretico Festival. Con la Jug Band Colline Metallifere apriremo la manifestazione (e saremo poi lì tutto il giorno con il nostro info-point geomusicale) – vedi link.

Per altre informazioni: micalosapevo@pibinko.org oppure whatsapp 3317539228

Brano per cominciare la settimana:

Carta d’Italia del Touring Club Italiano. Foglio 22 (Siena)

…quando Ribolla non si chiamava Ribolla ma “Cava di lignite di Casteani”, quando Giuncarico era scritto grosso come Massa Marittima, quando la via Aurelia veniva identificata come via Emilia, e le strade erano colorate in base alla pendenza…cose un po’ analizzate nel “mapperitivo” del 19-5 a Roccatederighi (GR).

per altre informazioni sulle mappe della rete pibinko.org: http://www.pibinko.org/mappe/ oppure micalosapevo@pibinko.org.