Archivi categoria: Musica che ci piace

Walkin’ the Dog

Interessante la proporzione bianchi-neri nel gruppo, considerato l’anno:

[Verse 1]
Mary mac, dressed in black
Silver buttons all down her back
High to low, tip to toe
She broke a needle and she can’t sew

Walkin’ the dog
Just a-walkin’ the dog
If you don’t know how to do it
I’ll show you how to walk the dog
C’mon now, c’mon, c’mon!

[Verse 2]
Asked my mama for fifteen cents
See the elephant jump the fence
He jumped so high he touched the sky
Never got back till the Fourth of July

Walkin’ the dog
Just a-walkin’ the dog
If you don’t know how to do it
I’ll show you how to walk the dog
C’mon now, c’mon, c’mon!

Il re d’Inghilterra

il re d’inghilterra dichiara la guerra | The king of England declares war
per mare e per terra | at sea and on land
al re del peru’ru’ru’ru’ru’ru’ru’ru’ | to the king of Peru
la signora pina vuol dar la stricnina | Mrs. Pina wants to give strychnine
alla sua vicina | to her neighbour
del piano di sususususususususu.| from the floor upstairs
ma non ci sara’ mai modo | so will there ever be a way
di stare in pace | to be in peace
senza guerra a destra guerra a sinistra | with no war on the right nor on the left
la guerra e’ bella ma scomoda disse non so chi. | war is beautiful but uncomfortable, said somebody I don’t know
il re d’inghilterra dichiara la guerra
per mare e per terra
al re del peru’ru’ru’ru’ru’ru’ru’ru’
che non lo salutava piu’ | because he stopped saying hellp
un cane in un fosso faceva la rissa | a dog in a ditch was having a fight
con un gatto russo | with a russian cat
per un suo ragu’gu’gu’gu’gu’gu’gu’gu’. | for his sauce

un capostazione m’ha dato uno schiaffo | a stationmaster slapped me
per una ragione | for a reason
che io non so piu’piu’piu’piu’piu’piu’piu’piu’. | that I know longer know
ma non ci sara’ mai modo di stare in pace | will there ever be a way to be in peace
senza cataclismi e reumatismi | with no cataclysms and no rheumatisms
la guerra e’ bella ma scomoda e basta cosi’. | war is beautiful but uncomfortable, and enough is enough
dichiaro la guerra a tutta la terra | I am declaring war to all of the Earth
al re d’nghilterra | to the King of England
e al re di peru’ru’ru’ru’ru’ru’ru’ru’ | and to the King of Peru
e non mi disturbate piu’, piu’ | and quit bothering me