Category Archives: Senza categoria

Mauro Tirannosauro appointed as a Supervisor for Olive harvesting

Last saturday we left Mauro Tirannosauro at the beginning if his olive picking job in Valdera, South of Pisa (please see this photo if you missed it). Mauro was embedded in the Palaiola Crew, a British-Italian collective for the diffusion of beat music in Tuscany. In just 24 hours, our T-rex friend got acquainted with the team, plus he promptly gained the summit of the org chart, taking up the role of COPO (Chief Olive-Picking Officer), as documented by this photo opportunity.

To have Mauro Tirannosauro as a supervisor (or to benefit from other services that he proposes, as explained in this page), please write to or contact +393317539228 via Whatsapp.

Mauro Tirannosauro harvesting some Olives

He’s back…after over a year in the background (albeit very busy at work), Mauro Tirannosauro showed up at dawn this morning to join the “Palaiola Crew” in some olive harvesting in Valdera, Tuscany.

During a coffee break, we asked him about his upcoming plans. Due to business confidentiality terms with the producers of his new movie he could not give us any details, but he said “it’s going to be a ball”

For more information and booking (or if you need him to come and harvest some olives): or whatsapp +393317539228

Klaus “der Geyser” at the Biancane Park (Oct. 21, 2021)

During the survey by the Jug Band Colline Metallifere with Klaus der Geiger at the Biancane Park, between Monterotondo and Sasso Pisano (Souther Tuscany), we have proposed him to improvise some music to be performed as Klaus “der Geyser”, after seeing the “Autobus 37” video by Etruschi from Lakota, shot in the same location almost ten years ago (for those who are not aware about it, two of the components of Etruschi from Lakota, Dario Canal and Simone Sandrucci, are two of the founders of the JBCM project).

Info & booking: or Whatsapp +393317539228

The Jug Band Colline Metallifere with Klaus der Geiger (photo opportunity with fake English names in Monterotondo Marittimo, Tuscany) the end of a nice outing at Parco delle Biancane (a report about this is in the works) to prepare the next steps approaching the lunch concert at Altrimondi (Follonica) on Sat., Oct. 23 (see the link).

For more information and booking: or +393317539228

In ordine alfabetico di finto nome inglese: Darius Canal, Claude the Fiddler, Jack O’Malley, Simon Littlealexanders, Wolf

The Jug Band Colline Metallifere with Klaus der Geiger on Oct. 21 and 23: Rock-blues, Violin, and our territories

For his next tour in Tuscany you may hear the Jug Band Colline Metallifere with Klaus der Geiger on Oct. 23 in Follonica, at Altrimondi, at noon. From 1PM it will be possible to have lunch (reservation needed at +393666148769).

The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band (or Jug Band dalle Colline Metallifere, JBCM, in Italian) is an international and inter-generational collective proposing a combination of music and environmental practice, where melody, rhythm, storytelling and science outreach are merged in one situation. The JBCM is based in one of the lesser known parts of Tuscany, the Metalliferous Hills, spanning across the provinces of Grosseto, Pisa, Livorno and Siena, and where the typical “Tuscan postcard” themes are mixed with the legacy of one of the largest mining areas in Europe, and a geothermal energy district, thus combining rural and industrial issues and perspectives. The JBCM was launched 2018, after three years of preparation, merging different expertise by professionals with multiple years of research experience on environmental, territorial, rural, and musical issues. At the end of October the JBCM is pleased to proposed the return to Italy of a friend they met at the very beginning of their project: Klaus der Geiger. Klaus is a violinist born in 1940, musically raised in  Köln, Germany, with various international experiences, and know in his home country as “the Asphalt Paganini” due to his numerous street performances. His activity is often related to social issues, and he also has collaborations with many symphonic orchestras and recording projects.

The Jug Band Colline Metallifere info point on culture, environment, and open innovation will be available.

Klaus der Geiger

For more information or whatsapp +393317539228

As an introductory listening: a track from our 2018 “country session“:

Participation Blues (2020)

These lyrics were written to be part of the “musical facilitation” component of a research atelier on “Co-designing a space for Citizen Science”, together with a couple of other songs, at the 2020 Conference of the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA).

For more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228

Be’ mi sono svegliato stamattina, e pensavo ai cittadiniWell I woke up this morning, ci-ti-zens on my mind
Be’ mi sono svegliato stamattina, e pensavo ai cittadiniWell I woke up this morning, ci-ti-zens on my mind
Poi ho visto quei ricercatori, alcuni di loro accecatiThen I saw them researchers, some of them have gone blind
E ho visto un sacco di gente, e un sacco di loro dimenticatiAnd I saw a lot of people, and a lot left behind
E’ quel blues, quel blues della partecipazioneGot that participation, participatio-o-n blues
Per cui son venuto a Trieste, in effetti, ero onlineSo I came to Trieste, in fact, I was online
Ho sentito di uno workshop, che parlava di coprogettazioneI heard of a workshop, dealing with co-design
Mi ha chiamato la nonna, mi ha chiesto di che si trattasseGot a call from my granny, she asked what this was about
Le ho detto perché non vieni anche te, così lo scopriraiI said why don’t you join me/and you’re gonna find out
Got that participation, participatio-o-n blues
Ora lo workshop è finito, e comincia la notteNow the workshop is over, and the night has begun
Fossimo stati a Trieste, ci saremmo divertitiHad we been in Trieste, we’d be having some fun
Comunque ho visto della bella gente, e ci ho pensato suStill I’ve seen some nice people, and I’ve been thinking it through
Ora passo la parola a Claudia, che ha qualcosa per voiNow we give it to Claudia, ‘cause she’s got something for you