Category Archives: Senza categoria

Mauro Tirannosauro reading an article on salamanders on Il Tirreno

Mauro Tirannosauro, one of the folks from the core team of the Participatory Lithology project is concentrated reading an article concerning some potential relations of his. This is after he went through word by word on the article on the left, which actually talks about him and his colleagues.. .you can find the full article, in Italian on this page (Il Tirreno, Grosseto Edition, March 27, 2020).

…and all with a good glass of wine and a fancy soundtrack at the end of a long day classifying stones.

Participatory Lithology /track 1 / demo take 2 (Francesco Ceri from Matti delle Giuncaie)

We leave the floor to Francesco Ceri, mandolin and lead vocalist with Matti delle Giuncaie. This is a “hard folk” band from Southern Tuscany with a touring track record also in Canada, France, and Germany.

Francesco is an early fan of the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band. Having learned about the project back in 2018, he immediately expressed his interest to collaborate to some “geomusical” situation. So now we proposed him to cover what we are currently calling “Participatory Lithology track 1” with lyrics by Jack O’Malley. This has also been performed by Jack O’Malley feat. Mauro Tirannosauro. A translation of the lyrics is provided below the video. The tune was inspired by Pietre, a 1967 song by Antoine and then Gian Pieretti.

Kudos to Francesco for his participation!

If you too would like to propose a performance (we are considering songs related to stones, rock, and minerals) please check the Participatory Lithology project presentation, and then write to to discuss ideas as an entertainer, or to for the other roles in the project (collector, classifier, or sponsor).

Sono a Tatti e fotografo le pietre | I am in Tatti, taking picture of stones

Sto a Torino e classifico le pietre | I am in Turin, and I am classifying stones

Dovunque sono, sai, dei minerali assai | wherever I may be, if there loads of minerals

li analizzo dalla rete senza guai | I analyze the on the net with no troubles

Sarà così – finché mi va – sarà così | this is how it’s going to be, as long as I want to

Quando ho fatto, a classificar le pietre | when I am done with classifying stones

ci faremo un bel sito con le pietre | we will make a nice site with our stones

Ma non solo in rete dài, se volete siamo qua | but, come on, not just on the web…if like we are here

ci verrete a visitar in Maremma | you can come and visit us in Maremma [i.e. Southern Tuscany]

Sarà così – un giorno dài – sarà così

Participatory Lithology / Track 1 / demo take 1 (Jack O’ Malley featuring Mauro Tirannosauro)

The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band is collaborating with the Participatory Lithology project launched on March 21 by the network (or we might say that the band is a part of the network when dealing with live music). One of the roles created for the project is that of “entertainers”: musicians or singers proposing songs related to stones, rock, minerals, etc., acting as a soundtrack for other characters taking part in the project (we have collectors, classifiers, and sponsors).

As a first example, inspired by “Pietre” by Antoine/Gian Pieretti, we have adapted the original lyrics to explain the Participatory Lithology project. This version is performed by Jack O’Malley from the Jug Band Colline Metallifere in SD (social distancing) formation. The guitar is an Exo X27 from the “stuff-o-theque”.

Another version with the same lyrics has been performed by Francesco Ceri, lead vocalist from Matti delle Giuncaie: check it out!

If you would like to propose other tunes, even just as a playlist, or send new performances of song which may relate to participatory lithology (we also have more lyrics coming), please write to .

Here we go: Litologia Partecipativa / sigla 1 / demo take 1, featuring Mauro Tirannosauro. A translation of the lyrics is provided below.

Sono a Tatti e fotografo le pietre | I am in Tatti, taking picture of stones

Sto a Torino e classifico le pietre | I am in Turin, and I am classifying stones

Dovunque sono, sai, dei minerali assai | wherever I may be, if there loads of minerals

li analizzo dalla rete senza guai | I analyze the on the net with no troubles

Sarà così – finché mi va – sarà così | this is how it’s going to be, as long as I want to

Quando ho fatto, a classificar le pietre | when I am done with classifying stones

ci faremo un bel sito con le pietre | we will make a nice site with our stones

Ma non solo in rete dài, se volete siamo qua | but, come on, not just on the web…if like we are here

ci verrete a visitar in Maremma | you can come and visit us in Maremma [i.e. Southern Tuscany]

Sarà così – un giorno dài – sarà così | this is how it’s going to be, one day.

Mauro Tirannosauro beholding collection “C”

Mauro Tirannosauro, the T. Rex who recently joined the participatory lithology project, after completing the photo shoot for collection “C”.

  • For a close-up of each sample, click here (this will switch you to the Italian version of the site, but there will be a lot of pictures anyway!).
  • For more information on the project, which you may join as collectors, classifiers, entertainers, or sponsors, please review PELP general presentation, write to or contact +393317539228.

We are waiting for the next update by Mauro!

Mauro wants to join Participatory Lithology

Somehow the first announcement of the participatory lithology reached “Mauro il tirannosauro” (Mauro the T. Rex). Mauro proposed himself as mascot for the Participatory Lithology project, sending a portfolio which leaves no doubts on his performing potential:

Mauro contemplating part of “collection A”
A close up of Mauro in his garden with one of the samples. Mauro: the part is yours!

We will get to see Mauro soon in action.

To be part of our “little participatory lithology exercise”, as collectors, classifiers, entertainers, or sponsors, please visit the project web page to check what this is about, and then write to

Brano raccomandato: Bring it on dei T. Rex

The geomusical “30 hour” tour between Roccastrada and Massa Marittima, Southern Tuscany: how did it go?

Between Feb. 29 and March 1 with the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band we set up two events which we proposed as a continuum between participatory mapping and live music, in line with our project.

In this post you can find the presentation of the story and, below, some snaphots of the two events.

Meanwhile, the Roccastrada community map will remain at Bar Moderno, available for customers to add missing place names. Shortly we will announce a date where we will be presenting the results of the participatory mapping exercise.

For more information and booking: or +393317539228

Feb. 29, 2020, 6.15PM – Bar Moderno in Roccastrada , Southern Tuscany. The initially-shy approaches to the map.
6.53PM – The “aperitivo” gets more crowded. The map is moved to a table while the Jug Band starts mounting their set. Enter Federico, on of the “place name masters”.
8PM, the musical set is ready, globe included. The briefcase used by the JBCM as an info point will appear shortly. This contains on each exhibition a pseudo-random subset of items and documents related to activities of the JBCM collective members on culture and environment (see this post for a catalog made during an event in Florence last year, as an example)
Jack O’Malley and Dario Canal working on the song list
1.30AM – folks at the bar continue to populate the map during the after-show DJ set by Nik
Wolfgang is seeing brezels also in guitar cables, thinking about the 2020 Brezel Tour
around 3AM. End of the show. Mirko Falchi from Bar Moderno, with a refreshing snack, checks out the results of the participatory mapping session.

Sunday, March 1, 5.30PM – The set is ready. The globe is always on, and the info material on our culture and science topics is available for consultation.
One of the moments of the show dedicated to Lucio Dalla, as an extension to the typical JBCM track list (photo M.F. Villino)

For more information and booking: or +393317539228

A Week-end of Mapping and Music with the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band (in the Metalliferous Hills): Feb. 29 and Mar. 1

The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band (or Jug Band dalle Colline Metallifere, JBCM, in Italian) is an international and inter-generational collective proposing a combination of music and environmental practice, where melody, rhythm, storytelling and science outreach are merged in one situation.

The JBCM was launched 2018, after three years of preparation, merging different expertise by professionals with multiple years of research experience on environmental, territorial, rural, and musical issues, and over ten years proposing interdisciplinary events for territorial promotion. Last year it proposed the “geomusic” format in some thirty situations, ranging from concert stages to university lectures.

Il progetto Jug Band Colline Metallifere nasce nel 2018, dopo tre anni di preparazione, dalla fusione di percorsi professionali diversi, con molti anni di ricerca su ambiente, ruralità e musica e oltre dieci anni di esperienza nel proporre eventi interdisciplinari per la promozione del territorio. Nello scorso anno ha proposto il format della “geomusica” in una trentina di situazioni, spaziando fra palchi e cattedre universitarie.

In the week-end between February and March the JBCM proposed a twin set of events which, combined, will provide almost 24 hours to experiment music and mapping.

The first meetup will be on Saturdaty, Feb. 29 from 6PM at Bar Moderno in Roccastrada (GR). Here there will be a first round in the creation of a community map. On this map residents can indicate names and places out of official cartography, but representing an asset important for the locals and interesting for visitors who like to have a “bottom up” view of places.

The team animating the Jug Band has been active for years in this documentation activity in areas around Roccastrada (namely in the Farma Valley, and in Tatti). Hunters, mushroom seekers and other experts of these surroundings are invitate to come and populate the map, followed by a JBCM live set.

In the afternoon of Sunday March 1, there will be a réprise in Massa Marittima (GR) at the AUSER centre from 5PM. This event will be more focused on music, with two live sets, one more with a rock-blues flavour, and the second dedicated to Lucio Dalla. In any case, the Jug Band will be available to provide information on their maps and other territorial issues with their “info point”. In parallel, it will be possible to have some insights on the mission which the JBCM is preparing to Germany, code name “Brezel tour 2020“.

For more information: or +393317539228

(header photo by Federico Giussani)

The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band goes to Germany (again)!

After last Spring’s experience, also this year the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band will go to Germany, returning to the area north of Stuttgart.

We have been invited to take part in the celebrations for the seventieth anniversary of Huober Brezel, the only German produce of organic brezel.
We will be with the Huober brothers on Saturday, July 11.

Meanwhile, we are working on more events to be connected to this geoperformance, or before (considering our departure from Italy on July 9), or after. Where? In Germany or along the way, following one of the routes between Tatti, Southern Tuscany, and Erdmannhausen, 30 kilometers North of Stuttgart.
As usual, the keywords for events which can be related to our tour are music (mostly rock-blues, but not only), relationships between territories, environment, agriculture…and whatever you find presented on
Should you be interested to take part in this project, to support it, or just to follow its developments, please check out our web site for more information, and then write to or call +39 331 75 39 228.