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JugBandCM promo in Köln, Germany. Apr 5, 2019, 8.30 AM (take one)

Having learned about the impossibility of meeting Klaus (der Geiger), to leave him a copy of the official flyer, Jack tried to leave evidence of his transit in Köln, and to promote the Jug Band Colline Metallifere mission in Germany.

There is also a second take of this, with a little more preparation.

On the first take, we can have Love in Vain as a theme.

For more information:

Rock in Milano, blues at La Rocca

This is is a remake of a song performed on May Day 2020 at an online conference concerning work and environmental conditions, organized by association “Rocca Norsina Ad 952” in Roccatederighi, Southern Tuscany. The video has been produced in sociali distancing mde between 29 and 30 april 2020, so please excuse some technical limitations.

The audio track is also on sale on Bandcamp, o -if you like it- you can leave something in the JBCM digital hat.

Information and booking: