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The 2023 Brezel Tour Lyrics

…in preparation for the tour, in addition to sending you some songs we like with the brezelbag serie, oltre a mandarvi un po’ di canzoncine che ci piacciono, in preparazione del Brezel Tour 2023, we have updated the lyrics from our 2022 “Non-formal Education Tour 2022”.

You will find a couple of new songs, while also some arrangements have been changed. For more information and booking (and to order the Brezel Tour T-shirts): o whatsapp 3317539228.

Order a 2023 Brezel Tour T-shirt by the Jug Band Colline Metallifere

Here we go…we designed them…we printed them, and we ironed them. Now they are ready for you to order. Our current stock is:

  • S: 5 white
  • M: 9 white, 2 grey, 1 red
  • L: 4 white
  • XL: 2 white

The cost of a T-shirt is 20 Euro, plus shipping costs. If you come to one of our events, shipping is zero, and we get to say hello.

If you are interested in this limited edition T-shirt, please write to or send a whatsapp message to +393317539228, indicating the size/sizes you are interested in and the number of shirts. You will be re-contacted to confirm availability, payment methods, and delivery details.

…may the Brezel be with you, and kudos to Tattistampa!

…one of our Brezels at 32 days from departure

2023 Brezel Tour

Following the 2021-2022 “non-formal education tour”….. (you may review some highlights here, here, and here), the Jug Band Colline Metallifere Summer calendar is taking shape. Code name “Brezel”. The schedule will be subject to updates.

For more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228


  • Fri. 16 Tatti (GR) – providing a soundtrack to Giuseppe Imbrogno, author of the novel “quello che abbiamo vissuto” at Spazio Lib(e)ro
  • Sat. 24 Accesa Lake (GR)
  • Fri. 30 Grilli (GR) – Bar La Curva



  • Sat. 12 Accesa Lake (GR) Participatory Night Sky Monitoring presentation(Jack O’Malley solo)
  • Thu. 17 Roccatederighi (GR)

The Jug Band Colline Metallifere returns to Germany! (First announcement)

After the “far out” experience in 2019, the Jug Band Colline Metallifere is preparing for a new mission to Germany, once again in the Stuttgart area. We are finalizing our plans, but we are ready to disclose some details. We will be moving from the Tuscan hills on Wednesday, July 5. After a pit stop in Trentino (where some gig is taking shape) we will cross the Alps to perform:

As usual, our keyword are music, connections between territories, environment, agriculture….and all that is explained on
Per more info: or Whatsapp +393317539228

If you are interested in sponsoring the mission: or Whatsapp +393317539228

More news on the mission preparation will follow. To start of with, here is a refresher on the 2019 Tatti Bar event:

The 2023 Hand-made Printing Day in Tatti (Tuscany) with TATTISTAMPA. How did it go?

In the afternoon of Sunday March 19, TATTISTAMPA hosted in Tatti, Southern Tuscany, one of the events in the context of the sixth hand-made printing day (here you find the presentation of the event from a few weeks ago). The initiative was a pleasant moment of awareness raising about a discipling which is ancient but not obsolete, and definitely cool. All with a nice musical background. In spite of the unwelcoming weather conditions, participation was high (and triple from last year)

Above you see some shots from the event. For more information and ordering:

TATTISTAMPA will be Part of the 2023 Hand-Made Printing Day

TATTISTAMPA, the print shop installed by Wolfgang Scheibe in Tatti, Southern Tuscany, in 2007, will be part also this year of the Hand-Made Printing Day.
This event was launched in 2018, when UNESCO in Germany recorded this discipline in the list of intangible cultural heritage.

The celebration is followed mostly in German-speaking countries, but it is not forbidden to participated from other countries. So Wolfgang has considered wearing the hat of “honorary consul” for the Day in Southern Tuscany. You may also check the page to see a map of the various locations participating in Europe.

The appointment in the Metalliferous hills is set for Sunday, March 19, from 2PM at the Zucchini farm. This is 1.5 km outside of Tatti, on the road going from the village to Roccatederighi.

Here you may see from a closer distance how the Ape car prints are born, as well as T-shirts and other works, all rigorously created with characters in wood or iron, and graphic insets engraved by hand.

The visit to the workshop is free, but given the limited space available you should please reserve via e-mail at or via whatsapp on +393394465812.

For more information:

Official soundtrack…”Lo stampatore” (the printer):