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Recommended Videos

This is a shortlist of recommended entries from our “Videos” section (this is the page with all the videos). For more information and booking: oppure whatsapp 3317539228.

One year in pictures with the Jug Band Colline Metallifere

This is a photo summary of some of the “concerpts” that we did with the Jug Band Colline Metallifere between October 2021 and October 2022. We started with the mini-tour in the Metalliferous Hills with Klaus der Geiger…then Milano, Mezzolombardo (Trento), Groningen (The Netherlands), Cassine (Piedmont), Florence, and various other Tuscan localities, with over 20 events and many more things happening in the background. If you are curious, you can check it all on this blog. For more information and booking: o whatsapp 3317539228.

The photos are an excerpt from around 6500 shots taken by Jack O’Malley in this period, so you don’t see him often. Soundtrack: part of the “Tatti Twist” performed at Pineta Beach in Marina di Grosseto, July 10, 2022.

Live at the FOSS4G “Icebreaker”, Florence, Aug. 24, 2022

Yesterday we have been to the FOSS4G international conference in Florence, where we were invited to give a “concerPt” for the over 1000 registered participants (see this article for a presentation of the event). In the coming days we will be editing a more extended article, but in the meantime you can see here a few snapshots of the situation, which was awesome, with additional assistance by Pietro Barbieri. For more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228.

If you were attending and you like the show, you can also support the JBCM project via our “digital hat“.

Mauro Tirannosauro has arrived in Groningen for the Living Knowledge Conference

Mauro Tirannosauro, with his colleague Jack O’Malley arrived this morning in Groningen (The Netherland) to attend the Living Knowledge with a presentation about the Jug Band Colline Metallifere project (see article).

This is the first time that Mauro is travelling in Europe (he relocated from New York City to the Tuscan Metalliferous Hills in March 2020 and he stopped there to collaborate with his JBCM friends).

The presentation is scheduled from 2.15PM to 3PM on Thursday, June 30. In the meantime here are a couple of shots of Mauro’s arrival… in the header image his registration to the conference, and a few moments in preparation for tomorrow’s session.

For more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228

Header photo credits: Christien Koopstra

The final program of the Living Knowledge conference is available (with the JBCM concerPT)

We have received today an email announcing that the final program of the ninth “Living Knowledge” has been published. This will be in Groningen, The Netherland, from June 29 to July 1.

On June 30 between 2.15 and 3PM Jack O’Malley with will give a show-presentation (what we call a concerPT) to explain to the participant (around 300 are registered) the JBCM project and to present our territories with maps, prints, sensors and songs.

Stay tuned for more details on this mission…in the meantime you may check the conference program on:

For more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228

The Jug Band Colline Metallifere will perform at the FOSS4G Conference (Florence, Aug. 24, 2022)

The FOSS4G conference is the largest international event in the field of free and open software and data. It is organized by OSGEO, the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. It has reached its twentieth edition and, before the pandemic, it was gathering over one thousand experts from all over the worldG. The next in-presence edition will be from August 22 to August 28 in Florence, and there are expectations for a major event.

La JBCM (featuring Klaus der Geiger on violin), in one of its concerPTs.

The Jug Band Colline Metallifere will be at the FOSS4G conference, performing with one of its concerPTS in the icebreaking event on Wednesday, August 24:

If you are professionals or students in the field of geomatics, or in disciplines where you could use free/open maps, and woud like to learn more about this, come to the conference (registration information is available here).

It should be noted that:

Jack O’Malley, one of the components of the JBCM, under the name of Andrea Giacomelli, was in 2007 one of the founders of the Italian OSGEO Chapter ( Between 2007 and 2010 he acted as the communication officer for the chapter, launching various campaigns which were considered quite creative, such as:

In 2017, at the FOSS4G-Italy conference in Genoa, with Simone Sandrucci and Dario Canal we gave a presentation which was the precursor to the format that we have subsequently been shaping with the Jug Band Colline Metallifere. You can find here a report of that event, and below a video from the session where the poster was proposed:

Per altre informazioni e booking: oppure whatsapp 33175339228

The May 19 “mapperitivo” in Roccatederighi…how did it go?


Piacevole atmosfera ieri sera all’Enoteca Le Volte di Roccatederighi (GR) per il “mapperitivo” legato al progetto di mappatura di comunità della rete Se vi siete persi la presentazione dell’evento, vedete questo articolo.

Di solito ci siamo stati a suonare…questa volta si sono messe sul tavolo mappe di varie generazioni: una carta del Touring Club Italiano degli anni ’30 in cui Ribolla ancora non era ancora sulla mappa, ma veniva identificata come “Cava di lignite di Casteani” e la via Aurelia veniva chiamata via Emilia (?), copie delle mappe di comunità della Val di Farma, di Tatti e di Follonica, una mappa della qualità del cielo notturno del 2001 e una mappa dell’Iran del 1976 (perché?), e necessariamente un computer con un software libero per sistemi informativi territoriali (QGIS) e vari strati informativi caricati.

Tutti questi supporti cartografici fanno parte di un più esteso archivio nella “cosoteca” della rete e, come in tutti i giochi di carte, all’inizio della partita vengono distribuiti sul tavolo:

A partire da questi spunti, assieme a una breve presentazione di “chi siamo, che cosa facciamo” si è innescato un confronto in cui si è spaziato da questioni storiche (l’affresco di Guidoriccio da Fogliano), all’identificazione di personaggi che potranno contribuire alla mappa di comunità dei dintorni della “Rocca”, e abbiamo segnato un paio di punti fra Meleta (La crocina) e Sassoforte (Fonte al pidocchio), così, per vedere l’effetto che fa.

Grazie a Stefano, Cristiano, Francesca, Gerri, Gionni e Fabio per la partecipazione e arrivederci alle prossime (data da confermare ma verosimilmente in giugno). Se siete interessati a organizzare altri “mapperitivi” dalle vostre parti: oppure 3317539228