
The Jug Band Colline Metallifere will entertain you with conce[r|p]ts. A conce[r|p]ts is a performance where concepts are conveyed in a concert. The initial scope of the JBCM was to propose stories about environment, territory, and rural issues. So, to start off with, we encapsulated this in the geomusic format.

As the geomusical performances gradually rolled out from November 2018 onwards, we found ourselves dealing also with other issues, and eventually decided to enhance the geomusical package to include a wider variety of topics. Examples may include: biographies of lesser-known soccer players (o lesser-known aspects of the life of very well-known players), dogs, analytical chemistry and circus acts (we found out that three of the founding members can juggle, and we know other folks who are professionals in the field).

For the 2020 tour, the JBCM will be backed by Mauro Tirannosauro. Some of you have seen in action since March in the Participatory Lithology project, some others will get to meet him during the coming month. In any case you can check out his resume on this page:

For more information and booking of a conce[r|p]t: or whatsapp +393317539228