Following the “demo take 1“, recorded in February at Luca Guerrieri’s Double Vision Studios in Follonica (Tuscany), the song is now part of the JBCM live sets and is working well. Meanwhile, Jack and Mauro recorded today a demo take #2.
In the editing of the video a very sophisticated plugin was used. This takes a single video and simulates the lack of colour correction, and also add an effect of blatantly wrong compositing. Long live our demo takes!
For more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228
Ho comprato un podere giù in campagna | I bought a farm, down in the country |
Scelto bene da un bel sito interne-e-t | Well chosen from a cool web site |
Mi dicevo – lì sarà una gran cuccagna | I said: “This will be great fun” |
Non pensavo che facesse così fredd(o) | I didn’t think it would be so cold |
Qui d’estate ci venivo da vent’anni | Here I used to come since I was twenty |
Spesso in barca a fare il giro delle sagre | Often on my boat, visiting all the village fairs |
Con filippo, ada nino pia e a volte Gianni | With Filippo, Ada, Nio, Pia and -at times- Gianni |
Non vedevo nel futuro vacche magre | I did not foresee any bad times |
Chorus 1 | |
Sha-a-a-ckleton (coro: non ce l’aveva) | Sha-a-a-ckleton (bv: did not have) |
Sha-a-a-ckleton (coro: la stufa accesa) | Sha-a-a-ckleton (bv: a flaming stove) |
Sha-a-a-ckleton (coro: ma raccontava) | Sha-a-a-ckleton (bv: but he used to tell) |
Sha-a-a-ckleton (coro: le barzellette) | Sha-a-a-ckleton (bv: a lot of jokes) |
E’ arrivato il momento dei cantieri | So the moment of the construction came |
cominciare una ristrutturazione | To start a renovation |
installare dei radiatori seri | To install some serious radiators |
riscaldare un po’ la situazione | And warm up the situation |
Quello che non avevo calcolato | What I had not considered |
quando da berlino avevo comprato | When I bought from Berlin |
sto podere tanto bello da guardare | This farm, so nice to look at |
è che l’ecobonus non può funzionare | Is that the “eco-bonus” cannot work |
Chorus 2 | |
Sha-a-a-ckleton (coro: lui stava al fresco) | Sha-a-a-ckleton (bv: he used to stay in chilly spots) |
Sha-a-a-ckleton (coro: lì sopra al ghiaccio) | Sha-a-a-ckleton (bv: there on the ice) |
Sha-a-a-ckleton (coro: ma non faceva ) | Sha-a-a-ckleton (bv: but he did not make ) |
Sha-a-a-ckleton (coro: scelte a casaccio) | Sha-a-a-ckleton (bv: random choices) |
Lo sapete com’è andata a finire | Do you know how the story went |
Ve lo dico, vi vorrete divertire | Let me tell you, you will be amused |
L’ecobonus me lo sono già scordato | I already forgot about my “eco-bonus” |
colpa di un professionista sfortunato | Blame it on an unlucky consultant |
In campagna il podere l’ho venduto | In the country, I sold my farm |
era bello, ma mi aveva un po’ fottuto | It was nice, but it slightly screwed me up |
Ora sto in un bilocale nel paese | Now I live in a two-room flat in the village |
il tramonto è uguale e ho meno spese | The sunset is the same, and I have a lot less expenses |

“Riscaldamento Locale” by Jug Band Colline Metallifere is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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