Monthly Archives: September 2023

Vacanze a Malta (Sep. 14, 2023 – Tangram Beach Bootleg)

Recorded with a phone on top of a chair (a bootleg is a bootleg) on the final date of the 2023 Brezel Tour . For more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228:

Si scendeva giù a Manciano Per veder bande suonare / We were going down to Manciano, to see bands playing

era giugno di un anno lontano ma quel caldo non posso scordare / this was June of many years ago, but I cannot forget that heat

Si viaggiava con Bob muratore grande esperto e maestro di vita / We were travelling with Bob, the builder, a great master of palla and life

ci si para davanti un gruppetto, fermo in cima a una salita / When a small group appears in front of us, standing at the top of a slope

son ciclisti un po’ accaldati, un po’ confusi, la fronte gronda / they are bikers, they are a bit hot, a bit confused, their forehead is sweaty

ecco arriva di Bob la battuta che esprime morale profonda / and there goes Bob’s joke, expressing a deep moral

per sudare, per sudare, guarda che gli tocca fare! (X2) / What do these guys need to do to sweat!

Si riprende il tragitto per le strade di Maremma / We resume our ride along the Maremma roass

nella mente mi rimbalza un notevole dilemma / a remarkable dilemma is bouncing in my mind

quanti siano i muratori, i boscaioli e i contadini / how many builders, lumberjacks and farmers

che in vacanza vanno a fare pedalate o cammini / actually con on vacation to hike or ride on a bike

mi sa pochi dice Bob, anzi forse quasi punti / I think few, says Bob, actually maybe almost none

preferiamo rilassarci o mangiare piatti unti / we prefer to relax or to eat greasy meals

E se proprio di sudare senti tutto ‘sto bisogno, / and if you really feel the strong urge to sweat

forse meglio giù nell’orto, tra cipolla e scalogno / maybe it’s better down in the garden, among onions and shallot

per sudare, per sudare, a noi ci basta lavorare (X2) / to sweat, to sweat, we just need to work

Si ritorna verso casa, il dilemma l’ho risolto / We are now returning home, my dilemma is solved

e domani si lavora, Bob dovrà sudare molto / and tomorrow we will be working, and Bob will have to sweat a lot

Per sudare, per sudare ci sono modi differenti / To sweat, to sweat there are different ways

chi in vacanza e chi al lavoro, ed i primi son contenti / some on vacation, and the former are happy

di sgobbare per diletto, e non è una cosa strana, / to work hard for fun, and this is not a strange thing

quando son chiusi in ufficio per l’intera settimana / since they are locked in their offices all week lonf

Have you ever seen Jimi Hendrix?

One of the stories that we like to tell during our gigs, concerning Wolfgang “The Wolf” Scheibe is that he has seen Jimi Hendrix live. Not once, twice. And not over months or years, but two evenings in a row. Man: these experiences are bound to open your mind, as another James said!

A couple of days ago Wolf found online the poster of one of the two concerts he attended, so he could remember the actual dates: January 14 and 15, 1969. He also told us yesterday that, starting from these two dates, and following a Proust-like “search of lost time”, he started remembering a bunch of people and situations related to those two days.

Wolfgang during the 2023 Brezel Tour, in a moment of regressive hypnosis where he is listening to Spanish Castle Magic.

At this point we have two questions:

  • There are people who start from a biscuit and write books. If we have a printer who starts from a poster, what might he produce?
  • Are there other folks who have seen Jimi Hendrix live, and who would like to get in touch with Wolfgang (and the other members of the Jug Band Colline Metallifere gang…they haven’t see Jimi live, but they have been listening to him a lot)?

If you have an answer to at least one of these two questions, please write to or whatsapp +393317539228. We give you our best regards with Simone Sandrucci, Dario Canal and Samuele Boscagli covering Angel by Jimi after a JBCM gig at Le Volte in Roccatederighi (Southern Tuscany). This was Dec. 10, 2022:

Sep. 19, 2023 Congrats to Dario, the “cum laude” Rocker

AREZZO – Since 2015 he is one of the most notorious faces of the pibinko network, which is operating on various musical and non-musical projects which spawn from the metalliferous hills (in Southern Tuscany), reaching out also abroad.

Dario Canal today, Sep. 19, has achieved a new goal. In fact, he has obtained a master degree in Education and training sciences at the university of Siena (Arezzo branch).

With “110 cum laude” marks (the maximum possible), his dissertation has also obtained a special mention for his work. Dario’s thesis is called “Giving shelter to education: the development of the Don Luigi Rossi community”. His research focused on the day-to-day activity of this community organization based in Massa Marittima, and especially taking care of minors.

“I am wishing all the best to Dario, who started university in 2020 assuming that the music was over. Back then he was the Etruschi from Lakota frontman”, says Andrea Giacomelli from pibinko, “and now he is rocking more than ever, between musical projects, art direction, educational activities, and with an important degree on top of that”.

[Note: this is the translation of the original article, linked below]

The Jug Band Colline Metallifere 2023 Brezel Tour is over

After 21 events, starting on June 16 and roughly spread between Tuscany and Germany, with gigs also in Trentino and Emilia Romagna, On Sep. 14 at Tangram Beach we have declared the closing of the 2023 Brezel Tour, our Summer tour.

In addition to musical events, we had activities between one musical event and the other…music and territory. This has led to initiatives and stories from which a series could be scripted (and this is not the first time in the context of the network).

In the coming weeks we will see about preparing a summary of this story. In the meantime we give you our greetings with a shot taken by our Tangram Beach friends while the band is about to leave, and two invitations:

We are now at work on our “autumn/winter” collection. Talk to you soon.

For more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228

Jug Band Colline Metallifere project presentation as of Sep. 2023

As we approach the closing of the Brezel Tour, we are glad to share some slides presenting the Jug Band Colline Metallifere project, and of what you can do to support it, apart from rocking and rolling during our events. For more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228:

Sep. 14, 2023 Jug Band Colline Metallifere @ Spiaggia Tangram, Follonica (Tuscany) – mapperitivo+aperigram

Looking forward to see you in Follonica, Southern Tuscany, for the end-of-season party on the beach at Spiaggia Tangram and the last date of the 2023 Brezel Tour.

To get a feel for what happened during the last three months with the Jug Band Colline Metallifere in terms of art+science, community regeneration, empowerment and inclusivity, etc., feel free to browse the News section of this site. Please note that the Italian version has a lot more information for the moment, since in these fast-track periods it is difficult to keep the English version of the site up to date.

For more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228

Per altre informazioni e booking: oppure whatsapp 3317539228.