Mauro Tirannosauro interviewing Vincent Hazeloff about Science Shops (Groningen, July 1, 2022)

In this video Mauro Tirannosauro interviews Vincent Hazelhoff from the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, at the end of the ninth “Living Knowledge” conference (which included a concerPT by Jack O’Malley on June 30). The interview focuses on the possibility of setting up a science shop for dinosaurs. Thanks again to Vincent for his availability. … Continue reading Mauro Tirannosauro interviewing Vincent Hazeloff about Science Shops (Groningen, July 1, 2022)

Mauro Tirannosauro has arrived in Groningen for the Living Knowledge Conference

Mauro Tirannosauro, with his colleague Jack O’Malley arrived this morning in Groningen (The Netherland) to attend the Living Knowledge with a presentation about the Jug Band Colline Metallifere project (see article). This is the first time that Mauro is travelling in Europe (he relocated from New York City to the Tuscan Metalliferous Hills in March … Continue reading Mauro Tirannosauro has arrived in Groningen for the Living Knowledge Conference

Apr. 28, 2022. Maurotour + info point Jug Band Colline Metallifere in Milano

Meet us (in a duo version with Mauro Tirannosauro and Jack O’Malley, which you also see in the banner photo) between 7 and 8PM at Piano Terra/Off Topic in via Confalonieri 3. We will be talking about our upcoming projects, including the European tour, the “Samber” school, and other cool stuff coming up. For more … Continue reading Apr. 28, 2022. Maurotour + info point Jug Band Colline Metallifere in Milano

Jingle Balls (Christmas song by Mauro Tirannosauro on Palla 21/palla eh!)

During the holidays with Jack O’Malley, Giancarlo da Miele, Rocco Colangelo, Nina, and other friends, Mauro Tirannosauro got to know a bit more about the ancient game of palla a 21 aka palla eh! This is the Southern Tuscan version of the “jeux de paume” which existed before tennis, and are still spread in various … Continue reading Jingle Balls (Christmas song by Mauro Tirannosauro on Palla 21/palla eh!)

Mauro Tirannosauro has a drink with the Etruscans

…but not the Etruschi from Lakota, with the real Etruscans. Last night he was in Vetulonia (Southern Tuscany), after completing the olive harvest for this year, to meet some friends of the palla a 21/palla eh! network. In the photo opportunity, we see Mauro with Graziano Poli (one of the Etruschi from Vetulonia) and Claudio … Continue reading Mauro Tirannosauro has a drink with the Etruscans

From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back – Cast – Mauro Tirannosauro

Mauro Tirannosauro’s official bio has been published by T-rex publishing and is available in any bookshop. You may also download it in pibcast format (at the suggested retail price of 200 Euro per hour of Mauro’s life, and he’s about four million years old). An executive summary of the bio is avaible on this page. … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back – Cast – Mauro Tirannosauro