Mauro Tirannosauro on the Rampage. Ep. 1. Gollonica (FR)

…or was it Follonica (GR)…I always get mixed up. As Francesco Ceri from Matti delle Giuncaie: says “è un mondaccio”…(It’s a really mean world) but…. For more Mauro T stories: follow the maurotrex tag Services by Mauro T: cliccate qui Info + booking: or whatsapp +393317539229 ENGLISH SPOKEN – ON PARLE FRANçAIS und andere … Continue reading Mauro Tirannosauro on the Rampage. Ep. 1. Gollonica (FR)

From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back – Cast – Mauro Tirannosauro

Mauro Tirannosauro’s official bio has been published by T-rex publishing and is available in any bookshop. You may also download it in pibcast format (at the suggested retail price of 200 Euro per hour of Mauro’s life, and he’s about four million years old). An executive summary of the bio is avaible on this page. … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back – Cast – Mauro Tirannosauro