The May 19 “mapperitivo” in Roccatederighi…how did it go?

[TO BE TRANSLATED] Piacevole atmosfera ieri sera all’Enoteca Le Volte di Roccatederighi (GR) per il “mapperitivo” legato al progetto di mappatura di comunità della rete Se vi siete persi la presentazione dell’evento, vedete questo articolo. Di solito ci siamo stati a suonare…questa volta si sono messe sul tavolo mappe di varie generazioni: una carta … Continue reading The May 19 “mapperitivo” in Roccatederighi…how did it go?

May 19, 2022 – “Mapperitivo” with the JBCM in Roccatederighi, Southern Tuscany

After the last episode, in December 2021 in Follonica, we continue with the community mapping project which we started in 2014 in the Farma Valley, then developed in 2019 in Tatti, and in 2020 in Roccastrada. Participatory mapping is one of the permanent components of the Jug Band Colline Metallifere’s activity (in every performance we … Continue reading May 19, 2022 – “Mapperitivo” with the JBCM in Roccatederighi, Southern Tuscany

The Geotour from Tatti (Souther Tuscany) to Roccatederighi (Souther Tuscany) via Politecnico di Milano: how did it go?

Very well. Please just scan the News section of our site between November 2021 and January 2022 to get a feel for it. In November 2021 we also initially created a specific tag for this tour, but we realize now that following it, you would not fully appreciate the story. In any case, if you … Continue reading The Geotour from Tatti (Souther Tuscany) to Roccatederighi (Souther Tuscany) via Politecnico di Milano: how did it go?