From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back – Starring – Simone Sandrucci…

Let us start by presenting the characters who will be part of the fellowship going from Tatti (Southern Tuscany) to Roccatederighi (Southern Tuscany, 7 kilometers from Tatti), travelling via Milan in early December [Note: If you missed it, please see the heads up about the mission in the Nov. 8 post] Simone Sandrucci (Firenze, 1991). … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back – Starring – Simone Sandrucci…

The Jug Band Colline Metallifere will perform at the FOSS4G Conference (Florence, Aug. 24, 2022)

The FOSS4G conference is the largest international event in the field of free and open software and data. It is organized by OSGEO, the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. It has reached its twentieth edition and, before the pandemic, it was gathering over one thousand experts from all over the worldG. The next in-presence edition will … Continue reading The Jug Band Colline Metallifere will perform at the FOSS4G Conference (Florence, Aug. 24, 2022)

Here we go with “More Street for All”, a new project by the Jug Band Colline Metallifere in collaboration with whoever wants to collaborate

After the seriese of Zoom interviews held between February and the first week-end of March on culture, environment, open innovation, and music, here is a new proposal from the international and inter-generational collective bringing you “concerPTs” since 2018, with a base camp in the Tuscan Metalliferous Hills and activities here and there. In past years … Continue reading Here we go with “More Street for All”, a new project by the Jug Band Colline Metallifere in collaboration with whoever wants to collaborate

Heads up: The Jugcasts from Colline Metallifere will be starting on Feb. 12

The Jug Band Colline Metallifere (JBCM), the international and inter-generational collective based in Southern Tuscany and with collaborations in four continents, proposing since 2018 conce[r|p]ts is proud to announce a new mini web series of four episodes. Starting from February 12, for four Saturday, we will be proposing short interviews to some folks that we … Continue reading Heads up: The Jugcasts from Colline Metallifere will be starting on Feb. 12

From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back (December 2021)

[Nov. 28 – this page is in the process of being translated and updated…please write to for more information] Slacciate le cinture, controllare che lo schienale non sia in posizione eretta, e spegnete pure i vostri dispositivi elettronici, ché tanto quando li riaccendete poi ritrovate tutto online, se non ci siamo visti prima di … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back (December 2021)

From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back. Ep. 10 – A Fiber-rich diet

[TO BE TRANSLATED. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP PLEASE WRITE TO MICALOSAPEVO@PIBINKO.ORG] [riassunto delle puttanate precedenti: ai primi di novembre Jack O’Malley e Mauro Tirannosauro ricevono una chiamata dall’alto (dell’Italia) per andare a geosuonare al Politecnico di Milano. Sulla base di questo spunto, risentono Dario Canal e Simone Sandrucci per rimettere insieme la banda … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back. Ep. 10 – A Fiber-rich diet