All posts by pibinko

The final program of the Living Knowledge conference is available (with the JBCM concerPT)

We have received today an email announcing that the final program of the ninth “Living Knowledge” has been published. This will be in Groningen, The Netherland, from June 29 to July 1.

On June 30 between 2.15 and 3PM Jack O’Malley with will give a show-presentation (what we call a concerPT) to explain to the participant (around 300 are registered) the JBCM project and to present our territories with maps, prints, sensors and songs.

Stay tuned for more details on this mission…in the meantime you may check the conference program on:

For more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228

The Jug Band Colline Metallifere will perform at the FOSS4G Conference (Florence, Aug. 24, 2022)

The FOSS4G conference is the largest international event in the field of free and open software and data. It is organized by OSGEO, the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. It has reached its twentieth edition and, before the pandemic, it was gathering over one thousand experts from all over the worldG. The next in-presence edition will be from August 22 to August 28 in Florence, and there are expectations for a major event.

La JBCM (featuring Klaus der Geiger on violin), in one of its concerPTs.

The Jug Band Colline Metallifere will be at the FOSS4G conference, performing with one of its concerPTS in the icebreaking event on Wednesday, August 24:

If you are professionals or students in the field of geomatics, or in disciplines where you could use free/open maps, and woud like to learn more about this, come to the conference (registration information is available here).

It should be noted that:

Jack O’Malley, one of the components of the JBCM, under the name of Andrea Giacomelli, was in 2007 one of the founders of the Italian OSGEO Chapter ( Between 2007 and 2010 he acted as the communication officer for the chapter, launching various campaigns which were considered quite creative, such as:

In 2017, at the FOSS4G-Italy conference in Genoa, with Simone Sandrucci and Dario Canal we gave a presentation which was the precursor to the format that we have subsequently been shaping with the Jug Band Colline Metallifere. You can find here a report of that event, and below a video from the session where the poster was proposed:

Per altre informazioni e booking: oppure whatsapp 33175339228

Local warming (Shackleton) – demo take 2

Following the “demo take 1“, recorded in February at Luca Guerrieri’s Double Vision Studios in Follonica (Tuscany), the song is now part of the JBCM live sets and is working well. Meanwhile, Jack and Mauro recorded today a demo take #2.

In the editing of the video a very sophisticated plugin was used. This takes a single video and simulates the lack of colour correction, and also add an effect of blatantly wrong compositing. Long live our demo takes!

For more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228

Ho comprato un podere giù in campagnaI bought a farm, down in the country
Scelto bene da un bel sito interne-e-tWell chosen from a cool web site
Mi dicevo – lì sarà una gran cuccagnaI said: “This will be great fun”
Non pensavo che facesse così fredd(o)I didn’t think it would be so cold
Qui d’estate ci venivo da vent’anniHere I used to come since I was twenty
Spesso in barca a fare il giro delle sagreOften on my boat, visiting all the village fairs
Con filippo, ada nino pia e a volte GianniWith Filippo, Ada, Nio, Pia and -at times- Gianni
Non vedevo nel futuro vacche magreI did not foresee any bad times
Chorus 1
Sha-a-a-ckleton (coro: non ce l’aveva)Sha-a-a-ckleton (bv: did not have)
Sha-a-a-ckleton (coro: la stufa accesa)Sha-a-a-ckleton (bv: a flaming stove)
Sha-a-a-ckleton (coro: ma raccontava)Sha-a-a-ckleton (bv: but he used to tell)
Sha-a-a-ckleton (coro: le barzellette)Sha-a-a-ckleton (bv: a lot of jokes)
E’ arrivato il momento dei cantieriSo the moment of the construction came
cominciare una ristrutturazioneTo start a renovation
installare dei radiatori seriTo install some serious radiators
riscaldare un po’ la situazioneAnd warm up the situation
Quello che non avevo calcolatoWhat I had not considered
quando da berlino avevo compratoWhen I bought from Berlin
sto podere tanto bello da guardareThis farm, so nice to look at
è che l’ecobonus non può funzionareIs that the “eco-bonus” cannot work

Chorus 2
Sha-a-a-ckleton (coro: lui stava al fresco)Sha-a-a-ckleton (bv: he used to stay in chilly spots)
Sha-a-a-ckleton (coro: lì sopra al ghiaccio)Sha-a-a-ckleton (bv: there on the ice)
Sha-a-a-ckleton (coro: ma non faceva )Sha-a-a-ckleton (bv: but he did not make )
Sha-a-a-ckleton (coro: scelte a casaccio)Sha-a-a-ckleton (bv: random choices)
Lo sapete com’è andata a finireDo you know how the story went
Ve lo dico, vi vorrete divertireLet me tell you, you will be amused
L’ecobonus me lo sono già scordatoI already forgot about my “eco-bonus”
colpa di un professionista sfortunatoBlame it on an unlucky consultant
In campagna il podere l’ho vendutoIn the country, I sold my farm
era bello, ma mi aveva un po’ fottutoIt was nice, but it slightly screwed me up
Ora sto in un bilocale nel paeseNow I live in a two-room flat in the village
il tramonto è uguale e ho meno speseThe sunset is the same, and I have a lot less expenses
Creative Commons License

“Riscaldamento Locale” by Jug Band Colline Metallifere is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Fuffi, the Climate Change expert cat – demo take 1

Some “demo take” preview of the new songs written during the cold months (or soon-to-be-warmer months, as Fuffi used to say). This one features a JBCM duo lineup with Mauro Tirannosauro and Jack O’Malley. For more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228.

Ho in-vestito un gatto / con uno schiacciasassiI ran over a cat / with a steamroller
Sto cercando i pezzi / ci sto diventando mattoI’m looking for the bits / I’m getting crazy
ma dai che sto scherzando / volevo provocareOh, come on, I’m just kidding / I wanted to provoke you
avere l’attenzione / per farti ragionareto have your attention / to make you think

Non so da quanto tempo / ve lo volevo direI don’t know how long it is /since I wanted to tell you
vi vedo sempre strani / o sono io diversoI see you are always strange / or am I different
è tutto relativo / non c’è più una certezzaall is relative / there are no more certainties
intanto ecco una zampa / attaccata al parabrezzabut wait, here’s a leg /stuck on the windshield

Lui si chiamava fuffi / un felino un po’ scienziatoHis name was Fuffi / a sort of a scientist-cat
Studiava sempre il clima / e quel cambio conclamatoHe was always studying our climate / and that blatant change
della temperatura / che fa salire i mariin temperature / which makes the seas rise
e allaga le pianure / e le case popolariand floods the plains / and moderate income housing

Se il caldo sale di cinque gradi, staremo tutti a dormire sugli armadiIf the heat increases by five Celsius, we will all be sleeping on our closets
Se l’acqua sale di cinque metri, traslocheremo su quel colle -STOP- per esser meno tetriIf the water rises by fixe metres, we will move on the top of that hill – to feel less gloomy

L’avevano invitato a una conferenzaThey invited him to a conference
Assieme a grandi esperti di materie ambientaliTogether with the top experts in environmental topics
ma lui li non c’è andato non per indifferenzabut he did not go, not being indifferent
è che loro da vent’anni dicon sempre cose ugualiit’s that for twenty years they keep saying the same things

invece dava il tempo ai vecchi e ai bambinion the other hand, he was giving his time to the young and the old
spiegava come fare ai grandi ed ai picciniexplainining how to do things to grown-ups and kids
a come fare meglio con tutto questo ambientehow to do the right thing with all this environments
perché il pianeta è uno, ma la gente non lo sentebecause the planet is one, but people do not feel this

Insomma poro fuffi, alla fine l’ho schiacciatoSo, poor Fuffi, at the end I ran over him
non lo volevo fare, sai da tutti era stimatoI didn’t mean to do ti, you know, he was esteemed by everybody
ma con la sua memoria e i pezzi raccattatibut with the memory of him, and the bits I could collect
ci provo a andare a avanti, prima che tocchi a meI try to keep holding on, before my turn comes

The May 19 “mapperitivo” in Roccatederighi…how did it go?


Piacevole atmosfera ieri sera all’Enoteca Le Volte di Roccatederighi (GR) per il “mapperitivo” legato al progetto di mappatura di comunità della rete Se vi siete persi la presentazione dell’evento, vedete questo articolo.

Di solito ci siamo stati a suonare…questa volta si sono messe sul tavolo mappe di varie generazioni: una carta del Touring Club Italiano degli anni ’30 in cui Ribolla ancora non era ancora sulla mappa, ma veniva identificata come “Cava di lignite di Casteani” e la via Aurelia veniva chiamata via Emilia (?), copie delle mappe di comunità della Val di Farma, di Tatti e di Follonica, una mappa della qualità del cielo notturno del 2001 e una mappa dell’Iran del 1976 (perché?), e necessariamente un computer con un software libero per sistemi informativi territoriali (QGIS) e vari strati informativi caricati.

Tutti questi supporti cartografici fanno parte di un più esteso archivio nella “cosoteca” della rete e, come in tutti i giochi di carte, all’inizio della partita vengono distribuiti sul tavolo:

A partire da questi spunti, assieme a una breve presentazione di “chi siamo, che cosa facciamo” si è innescato un confronto in cui si è spaziato da questioni storiche (l’affresco di Guidoriccio da Fogliano), all’identificazione di personaggi che potranno contribuire alla mappa di comunità dei dintorni della “Rocca”, e abbiamo segnato un paio di punti fra Meleta (La crocina) e Sassoforte (Fonte al pidocchio), così, per vedere l’effetto che fa.

Grazie a Stefano, Cristiano, Francesca, Gerri, Gionni e Fabio per la partecipazione e arrivederci alle prossime (data da confermare ma verosimilmente in giugno). Se siete interessati a organizzare altri “mapperitivi” dalle vostre parti: oppure 3317539228

May 19, 2022 – “Mapperitivo” with the JBCM in Roccatederighi, Southern Tuscany

After the last episode, in December 2021 in Follonica, we continue with the community mapping project which we started in 2014 in the Farma Valley, then developed in 2019 in Tatti, and in 2020 in Roccastrada. Participatory mapping is one of the permanent components of the Jug Band Colline Metallifere’s activity (in every performance we bring the maps created in the previous episodes, and we like to do “geomusic“).

A zoom on part of the community map centred on Roccatederighi.

To reboot the story with the Summer in mind, we invite you to the Enoteca Le Volte in Roccatederighi (Southern Tuscany), from 7 to 8PM to learn the basics about this project and to understand how to collaborate.

Being in Roccatederighi (at the centre of the image), we will start be checking how to add a few points in order to connect the West side of the map (Tatti) with the East side (Sassofortino and the Farma Valley)…but it will not be forbidden to drift from there, following the sweet & sour mobility paradigm.

The show will be hosted by Jack O’Malley (in his capacity as environmental engineer and mapper with the nickname of Andrea Giacomelli), with Mauro Tirannosauro, and possibly other JBCM associates.

For more information and booking: or whatsapp +393317539228

Fabio Bettio, MS Eng. with his JBCM T-shirt

One of the main problems for the merchandising of any project is to find models to wear shirts, pins, tote bags and other items which – somebody said- will help to promote the project.

Since the JBCM is not a rock band but and international and inter-generational collective born to share with citizens stories and ideas related to the environment, our territories, rural development policies etc, we needed to find somebody suitable. After months of work of casting agencies we have identified as the headliner in our model rosters Fabio Bettio. Fabio is MS in electronic engineergin from Genova, relocated since the early Nineties in Cagliari (Sardinia). He is an international expert in computer graphics and scientific visualization. In the picture you see him during a break in on of his training sessions.

for more information and booking:

For more hand-printed shirts by Wolfgang, see this link.

Postponed to July 9 2022 – The “Palla 21” Day at Altrimondi, Follonica, Tuscany

On Saturday, July 9 , at 6.30PM come and meet with some characters which since the Seventies, together with the communities of six hamlets, are keeping alive in the Metalliferous Hills of Southern Tuscany an ancient game: palla a 21 (or palla eh!).

Claudio “Bob” Spinosi, with Jack O’Malley and Dario Canal from the Jug Band dalle Colline Metallifere, will lead you to discover a world of games which is parallel to other mainstream sports, while making you travel across valleys and hills of Southern Tuscany, reaching Chicago, Illinois, and ending with a ball construction workshop by Ilo Ferrandi.

Looking forward to see you!