Digital Hat

If you are taking a stroll downtown and you find a street performer that you like, you will leave a little money as a token of your appreciation, often in a hat. In this period where people’s whereabouts are a lot more digital, if you happen to find an act by Jug Band Colline Metallifere … Continue reading Digital Hat

Lithobag #12, Apr. 9, 2020: Stones in my Passway

Elio da Cascina (PI), assieme a Corrado da Milano guida al momento la classifica dei DJ resident (a casa) come intrattenitore per la Litologia Partecipativa, con sette brani ciascuno a tema pietre, sassi, rocce ecc. Per capire partecipare da intrattenitori alla Litologia Partecipativa, consultate questa pagina, oppure scrivete a Mauro il Tirannosauro. Fra gli altri … Continue reading Lithobag #12, Apr. 9, 2020: Stones in my Passway

Should you meet a T-Rex in Tatti, Southern Tuscany

…we know, the Tuscan Metalliferous Hills, llike other rural areas, are often the setting for sighting and exotic findings. Who could ever forget about the 2011 panther, the 2007 UFO near Roccatederighi, or -going further back- the Accesa Lake crocodile? [1]. Anyhow, should you be passing around Tatti, in the Massa Marittima area (Southern Tuscany), … Continue reading Should you meet a T-Rex in Tatti, Southern Tuscany

Tatti and its Stones, feat. Liliana Cafiero (Participatory Lithology, Take 3)

Following the “hard-folk” performance by Francesco Ceri from Matti delle Giuncaie, here comes the third Participatory Litology track proposed by the Jug Band Colline Metallifere. Imagine a jazz club ambiance: low ceiling, spirals of smoke in the air, whisky with ice, stirred, not shaken. Images flow in the background, between snapshots of Tatti, Southern Tuscany, … Continue reading Tatti and its Stones, feat. Liliana Cafiero (Participatory Lithology, Take 3)

Participatory Lithology: Instructions for the Entertainers

To understand what Participatory Lithology is, and how we propose it, please see the summary of our first week of activity (March 21-27, 2020). In this project we have considered four roles: collectors, classifiers, entertainers, and sponsors. Let’s see here what entertainers can do. Resident (at home) DJ If, withouth looking it up on a … Continue reading Participatory Lithology: Instructions for the Entertainers

Participatory Lithology is looking for an English mother-tongue vocalist/musician

We are writing from Tatti, a small (pop. 209) village in Southern Tuscany, Italy. To give you some bearings, we are some 100 km “South by Southwest” of Florence. As a sort of resilient response to the COVID-19 crisis, we have launched on March 21 a project called “participatory lithology“. This is our project logo: … Continue reading Participatory Lithology is looking for an English mother-tongue vocalist/musician