Heads up: The Jugcasts from Colline Metallifere will be starting on Feb. 12

The Jug Band Colline Metallifere (JBCM), the international and inter-generational collective based in Southern Tuscany and with collaborations in four continents, proposing since 2018 conce[r|p]ts is proud to announce a new mini web series of four episodes. Starting from February 12, for four Saturday, we will be proposing short interviews to some folks that we … Continue reading Heads up: The Jugcasts from Colline Metallifere will be starting on Feb. 12

Jug Band Colline Metallifere @ Live Motel, Dec. 17, 2021

After the audio streaming on Dec. 17, 2021, from today the full video version of the show is available. Thanks to Mauro Giachino and all of the Deejay Fox Radio staff in Cologno Monzese (Milan) for this opportunity. Wolfgang Scheibe was missing on this round (but he will be back). For more information and booking: … Continue reading Jug Band Colline Metallifere @ Live Motel, Dec. 17, 2021

From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back (December 2021)

[Nov. 28 – this page is in the process of being translated and updated…please write to micalosapevo@pibinko.org for more information] Slacciate le cinture, controllare che lo schienale non sia in posizione eretta, e spegnete pure i vostri dispositivi elettronici, ché tanto quando li riaccendete poi ritrovate tutto online, se non ci siamo visti prima di … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back (December 2021)

Invitation: Dec. 4, 2021. Tatti (Southern Tuscany), Culture, Environment, Open Innovation, and Music – Opportunities for our Territories from the diffusion of “rural” Jug Bands

[if you are interested in helping with the translation of this page, please write to micalosapevo@pibinko.org] Sabato 4 dicembre dalle 11 alle 12, presso le ex scuole di Tatti, frazione di Massa Marittima (GR), si terrà il primo degli eventi “concettistici” della “geotournée” della Jug Band Colline Metallifere da Tatti a Roccatederighi (7 km) passando … Continue reading Invitation: Dec. 4, 2021. Tatti (Southern Tuscany), Culture, Environment, Open Innovation, and Music – Opportunities for our Territories from the diffusion of “rural” Jug Bands

From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano (and back) – post summary trough Nov. 15

[TO BE TRANSLATED. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP PLEASE WRITE TO MICALOSAPEVO@PIBINKO.ORG] Prima di passare alle storie della seconda settimana di preparativi per la missione a Milano, un breve ripasso delle puntate della settimana scorsa. La foto di testa è stata scattata ieri pomeriggio, domenica, nella basse della Palaiola Crew, in Valdera, dove potremmo … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano (and back) – post summary trough Nov. 15

The Jug Band Colline Metallifere with Klaus der Geiger on Oct. 21 and 23: Rock-blues, Violin, and our territories

For his next tour in Tuscany you may hear the Jug Band Colline Metallifere with Klaus der Geiger on Oct. 23 in Follonica, at Altrimondi, at noon. From 1PM it will be possible to have lunch (reservation needed at +393666148769). The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band (or Jug Band dalle Colline Metallifere, JBCM, in Italian) is … Continue reading The Jug Band Colline Metallifere with Klaus der Geiger on Oct. 21 and 23: Rock-blues, Violin, and our territories