Mauro Tirannosauro appointed as a Supervisor for Olive harvesting

Last saturday we left Mauro Tirannosauro at the beginning if his olive picking job in Valdera, South of Pisa (please see this photo if you missed it). Mauro was embedded in the Palaiola Crew, a British-Italian collective for the diffusion of beat music in Tuscany. In just 24 hours, our T-rex friend got acquainted with … Continue reading Mauro Tirannosauro appointed as a Supervisor for Olive harvesting

Fabio Massellucci with Mauro Tirannosauro in Scalvaia, Tuscany

TO BE TRANSLATED Domenica 21.6.2020. Photo opportunity per Mauro Tirannosauro, oggi con Fabio Massellucci, mastro birraio, giocatore di palla a 21 e costruttore di palline per lo stesso gioco. Qui ci troviamo all’ingresso del birrificio 36 nero di Scalvaia, luogo misterioso dove si elaborano pozioni a base di erbe della Val di Farma che pare … Continue reading Fabio Massellucci with Mauro Tirannosauro in Scalvaia, Tuscany

Mauro Tirannosauro represents the Rights of Nature at the EALAN Conference

Mauro Tirannosauro has been working since the Cretaceous on the issues of light (as in lightness) pollution and artificial light (as in lightness) at night issues. With such a background, it was inevitable that after he joined the Participatory Lithology team in March, and found out that the same guys had been working on similar … Continue reading Mauro Tirannosauro represents the Rights of Nature at the EALAN Conference

Mauro Tirannosauro on the Rampage. Ep. 1. Gollonica (FR)

…or was it Follonica (GR)…I always get mixed up. As Francesco Ceri from Matti delle Giuncaie: says “è un mondaccio”…(It’s a really mean world) but…. For more Mauro T stories: follow the maurotrex tag Services by Mauro T: cliccate qui Info + booking: or whatsapp +393317539229 ENGLISH SPOKEN – ON PARLE FRANçAIS und andere … Continue reading Mauro Tirannosauro on the Rampage. Ep. 1. Gollonica (FR)

Services by Mauro Tirannosauro

Mauro Tirannosauro proposes animation and entertainment services, normally in partnership with components of the network and/or of the Jug Band Colline Metallifere. Referenze Singer and vocalist (also availalable for sessions) I have some rocks Vedere la Via Lattea di giorno Birthday party animator Lucio Monocrom (Apr. 13) Vittorio (Apr. 13) Daniele (Apr. 28) Bart … Continue reading Services by Mauro Tirannosauro