A special “rèlli” trial in Southern Tuscany: Tatti-Roccatederighi, May 3, 2020

With an ambient audio from The Minutemen (and their Double Nickel on a Dime audio), this is just before phase “bue”, and various two- and four-legged characters along the way. For geomusical information on Roccatederighi, please also see this video. If you do not live in a rural area, we recommend also reading the “Bitter … Continue reading A special “rèlli” trial in Southern Tuscany: Tatti-Roccatederighi, May 3, 2020


[editor’s note: links are currently to the Italian version of the pages. to be updated] The “mapperitivo” is a format for entertainment and audience engagement event based on activities to (re)discover territories starting from maps. The structure of the event has been developing since 2008. We started with the m(‘)appare Milano project, combining it in … Continue reading Mapperitivo

2023 Brezel Tour

Following the 2021-2022 “non-formal education tour”….. (you may review some highlights here, here, and here), the Jug Band Colline Metallifere Summer calendar is taking shape. Code name “Brezel”. The schedule will be subject to updates. For more information and booking: jugbandcm@pibinko.org or whatsapp +393317539228 June July August