From the Metalliferous Hills to the Politecnico di Milano, and back – ep. 8 – Everything is illuminated

[TO BE TRANSLATED. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP PLEASE WRITE TO MICALOSAPEVO@PIBINKO.ORG] Da Wikipedia: Ogni cosa è illuminata (titolo originale: Everything Is Illuminated) è un film statunitense uscito nel 2005. Si tratta della trasposizione cinematografica dell’omonimo libro autobiografico di Jonathan Safran Foer, in cui racconta il suo viaggio (sia fisico che spirituale) sulle orme del nonno, costretto ad emigrare, dalla … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to the Politecnico di Milano, and back – ep. 8 – Everything is illuminated

From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano (and back) – post summary trough Nov. 15

[TO BE TRANSLATED. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP PLEASE WRITE TO MICALOSAPEVO@PIBINKO.ORG] Prima di passare alle storie della seconda settimana di preparativi per la missione a Milano, un breve ripasso delle puntate della settimana scorsa. La foto di testa è stata scattata ieri pomeriggio, domenica, nella basse della Palaiola Crew, in Valdera, dove potremmo … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano (and back) – post summary trough Nov. 15

From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back – Cast – Wolfgang Scheibe

After Simone Sandrucci and Dario Canal, enter our bass players (and singer of a few whispered songs). Some people call him The Wolf (not of Wall Street), some call him Tattistampa. A few others call him Wolfi (but we are not authorized). In any case, it’s him, with his one-string bass, hand-built in 1972 and … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back – Cast – Wolfgang Scheibe

From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano and back – Cast – Dario Canal

After presenting yesterday our “axe man” Simone Sandrucci, it is now time to introduce “the voice”…or, rather, the lead vocalist, since all the other members of the collective sing at least one song during a geomusical event. [Note If you lost our teaser trailer, and the indications to how to support the production of our … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano and back – Cast – Dario Canal

Klaus “der Geyser” at the Biancane Park (Oct. 21, 2021)

During the survey by the Jug Band Colline Metallifere with Klaus der Geiger at the Biancane Park, between Monterotondo and Sasso Pisano (Souther Tuscany), we have proposed him to improvise some music to be performed as Klaus “der Geyser”, after seeing the “Autobus 37” video by Etruschi from Lakota, shot in the same location almost … Continue reading Klaus “der Geyser” at the Biancane Park (Oct. 21, 2021)

The Jug Band Colline Metallifere @ Ralazzi Possi in Tollonica (Fuscany)

…or was it @ Palazzi Rossi in Follonica (Tuscany)? I always get it wrong. In pratice, in the context of a logistic situation which some may define “à la pibinko”, and some others “completely random”, at least for the month of July the JBCM identified Follonica, in Southern Tuscany, at the centre of the “Sun … Continue reading The Jug Band Colline Metallifere @ Ralazzi Possi in Tollonica (Fuscany)

The first Participatory Lithology Làiv Show: how did it go?

The May 16 event had four goals: (1) summarizing the prototype phase of the Participatory Lithology project (2) showing how the project created synergies with other activities pre-existing to phase 1 of the COVID-19 emergency (3) presenting the people who participated actively, (4) providing a little outlook on our work. During the streaming we never … Continue reading The first Participatory Lithology Làiv Show: how did it go?


TBT TBM. Yet another variation on the #iorestoacasa tag, turning “resto” (I stay) in “cesto” (basket). Mauro Tirannosauro sta cercando di convergere nella sua interpretazione delle regole per la fase bue. Ha aperto una mailing list che si chiama celafarmo@siamonoi.gro. Però, in quanto sauro di origini newyorkesi, non capisce bene l’italiano. Inizialmente aveva inteso #IorestoaCosa, … Continue reading #IoCestoaCasa