Seeing the Milky Way by Day (Mauro Tirannosauro feat. Liliana Cafiero)

With the unexpected success of Mauro Tirannosauro‘s debut in the Jug Band Colline Metallifere and his track about Participatory Lithology, the cousins from BuioMetria did not waste their time. They called up Mauro in the middle of the night, and worked on more geolyrics. Inspired by a relatively famous ballad by a relatively famous Irish … Continue reading Seeing the Milky Way by Day (Mauro Tirannosauro feat. Liliana Cafiero)

Mauro Tirannosauro reading an article on salamanders on Il Tirreno

Mauro Tirannosauro, one of the folks from the core team of the Participatory Lithology project is concentrated reading an article concerning some potential relations of his. This is after he went through word by word on the article on the left, which actually talks about him and his colleagues.. .you can find the full article, … Continue reading Mauro Tirannosauro reading an article on salamanders on Il Tirreno

Participatory Lithology / Track 1 / demo take 1 (Jack O’ Malley featuring Mauro Tirannosauro)

The Metalliferous Hills Jug Band is collaborating with the Participatory Lithology project launched on March 21 by the network (or we might say that the band is a part of the network when dealing with live music). One of the roles created for the project is that of “entertainers”: musicians or singers proposing … Continue reading Participatory Lithology / Track 1 / demo take 1 (Jack O’ Malley featuring Mauro Tirannosauro)

Mauro Tirannosauro beholding collection “C”

Mauro Tirannosauro, the T. Rex who recently joined the participatory lithology project, after completing the photo shoot for collection “C”. For a close-up of each sample, click here (this will switch you to the Italian version of the site, but there will be a lot of pictures anyway!). For more information on the project, which … Continue reading Mauro Tirannosauro beholding collection “C”

Apr. 28, 2022. Maurotour + info point Jug Band Colline Metallifere in Milano

Meet us (in a duo version with Mauro Tirannosauro and Jack O’Malley, which you also see in the banner photo) between 7 and 8PM at Piano Terra/Off Topic in via Confalonieri 3. We will be talking about our upcoming projects, including the European tour, the “Samber” school, and other cool stuff coming up. For more … Continue reading Apr. 28, 2022. Maurotour + info point Jug Band Colline Metallifere in Milano