From the Metalliferous Hills to the Politecnico di Milano, and back – ep. 8 – Everything is illuminated

[TO BE TRANSLATED. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP PLEASE WRITE TO MICALOSAPEVO@PIBINKO.ORG] Da Wikipedia: Ogni cosa è illuminata (titolo originale: Everything Is Illuminated) è un film statunitense uscito nel 2005. Si tratta della trasposizione cinematografica dell’omonimo libro autobiografico di Jonathan Safran Foer, in cui racconta il suo viaggio (sia fisico che spirituale) sulle orme del nonno, costretto ad emigrare, dalla … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to the Politecnico di Milano, and back – ep. 8 – Everything is illuminated

From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano (and back) – post summary trough Nov. 15

[TO BE TRANSLATED. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP PLEASE WRITE TO MICALOSAPEVO@PIBINKO.ORG] Prima di passare alle storie della seconda settimana di preparativi per la missione a Milano, un breve ripasso delle puntate della settimana scorsa. La foto di testa è stata scattata ieri pomeriggio, domenica, nella basse della Palaiola Crew, in Valdera, dove potremmo … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano (and back) – post summary trough Nov. 15

From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back – Ep. 7 – I come from the Moon

[TO BE TRANSLATED. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP PLEASE WRITE TO MICALOSAPEVO@PIBINKO.ORG] Jack O’Malley e Mauro Tirannosauro sono rientrati in Toscana dopo la seconda missione di “scouting” a Milano. Simone è insieme al bianconiglio, Dario è preso nella didattica, a distanza e non solo, e Wolfgang ulula e manda video di strade troppo dritte … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back – Ep. 7 – I come from the Moon

From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back – Ep. 6 – An Elevator for the Winter

[TO BE TRANSLATED. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP PLEASE WRITE TO MICALOSAPEVO@PIBINKO.ORG] Ascensore per l’inferno è il titolo italiano di “Angel Heart”, film con Robert de Niro e Mickey Rourke come protagonisti, per la regia di Alan Parker. Ora, direte voi, cosa c’entrano tutte queste cose cinematografiche (l’altro giorno Inception, magari più avanti film … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back – Ep. 6 – An Elevator for the Winter

From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back – Ep. 4 – Inception

[TO BE TRANSLATED. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP PLEASE WRITE TO MICALOSAPEVO@PIBINKO.ORG] Nel 2010 usciva “Inception” di Christopher Nolan (vedi trailer). Andando a rileggere una delle recensioni online, viene definito “Tra sogno e realtà, un sapiente distillato delle alchimie più segrete del cinema”. Pare sia costato 160 milioni di dollari farlo, e che abbia … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back – Ep. 4 – Inception

From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back – Starring – Simone Sandrucci…

Let us start by presenting the characters who will be part of the fellowship going from Tatti (Southern Tuscany) to Roccatederighi (Southern Tuscany, 7 kilometers from Tatti), travelling via Milan in early December [Note: If you missed it, please see the heads up about the mission in the Nov. 8 post] Simone Sandrucci (Firenze, 1991). … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back – Starring – Simone Sandrucci…

Heads up for the December “geomusical” tour by the Jug Band Colline Metallifere

After a better-than-expected Summer with eight live shows in Tuscany, ranging from North to South (between Massa Carrara and San Quirico d’Orcia), and the awesome series of gigs with Klaus der Geiger in our closer surroundings (Follonica, Monterotondo, Tatti, Meleta…read it all in our News section), on November 3, at 10.16AM we received an offer … Continue reading Heads up for the December “geomusical” tour by the Jug Band Colline Metallifere

A call for milanese bands: collaborate with the Jug Band Colline Metallifere on the new Video for “Rock in Milano, Blues at La Rocca”

The Jug Band dalle Colline Metallifere (JBCM) is an inter-generational and international musical collective based in Southern Tuscany, at the borders between the provinces of Grosseto, Pisa, and Livorno. The JBCM was born in 2018 to propose geomusic, and perform in conce[r|p]ts, i.e. to propose in the same space concerts and concepts, namely in the … Continue reading A call for milanese bands: collaborate with the Jug Band Colline Metallifere on the new Video for “Rock in Milano, Blues at La Rocca”

The first Participatory Lithology Làiv Show: how did it go?

The May 16 event had four goals: (1) summarizing the prototype phase of the Participatory Lithology project (2) showing how the project created synergies with other activities pre-existing to phase 1 of the COVID-19 emergency (3) presenting the people who participated actively, (4) providing a little outlook on our work. During the streaming we never … Continue reading The first Participatory Lithology Làiv Show: how did it go?