Jugcast dalle Colline Metallifere. Ep. 3, with Vea about “ri-bella” music

Thanks again to from Vea form Collegno (close to Turin, Instagram: @veayeah). She invited us to consider the difference between different ways of placing music (and performance on a stage, be it formal or non-formal) in our lives. She also introduced her dog Kazoo to Mauro Tirannosauro. Our next and final Jugcast for this first … Continue reading Jugcast dalle Colline Metallifere. Ep. 3, with Vea about “ri-bella” music

Heads up: Sat. Feb 26, the Third Jugcast Colline Metallifere: “ri-bella” Music with VEA

The format created by the Jug Band Colline Metallifere to support “hybrid aggregation” (partly in physical spaces and partly online) talking about culture, environment, open innovation, and music. After Elena Maggi on light pollution (see the Feb. 12 recording) and Marco Marongiu from Oslo, Norway, on open innovation (see the Feb. 19 recording), on Saturday, … Continue reading Heads up: Sat. Feb 26, the Third Jugcast Colline Metallifere: “ri-bella” Music with VEA

From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back (December 2021)

[Nov. 28 – this page is in the process of being translated and updated…please write to micalosapevo@pibinko.org for more information] Slacciate le cinture, controllare che lo schienale non sia in posizione eretta, e spegnete pure i vostri dispositivi elettronici, ché tanto quando li riaccendete poi ritrovate tutto online, se non ci siamo visti prima di … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back (December 2021)

From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back. Ep. 17 (or 18?): Marginal Hills

At times it seems that your days are passing in couples. Cazuza, the Brazilian Bon Jovi, sung this in the early Nineties (please check out in this Barão Vermelho Jan. 21, 2019, branobag). In other moments, some separate days will correspond. This is happening today. So, while Mauro Tirannosauro is reading yesterday’s Bild after buying … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back. Ep. 17 (or 18?): Marginal Hills

From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back. Ep. 11 – Rough shadows

Stagecoach (Ombre rosse in Italian) is a Western directed by John Ford, scripted by Dudley Nichols and adapted from a story by Ernest Haycox called The Stagecoach to Lordsburg (1937) . It’s about the journey of a motley group of passengers in a stagecoach passing through dangerous Apache territory. The film stars John Wayne, in … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back. Ep. 11 – Rough shadows

From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back. Ep. 11, Howling Wolves

[TO BE TRANSLATED. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP PLEASE WRITE TO MICALOSAPEVO@PIBINKO.ORG] Ieri, dopo quasi 10 gg di missione tra Milano, Valdera e Golfo del Sole, Jack O’Malley e Mauro Tirannosauro hanno fatto ritorno a Tatti, frazione di Massa Marittima, da non confondere con la Foresta di Tatti vicino a Volterra. Tatti è il … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back. Ep. 11, Howling Wolves

From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back. Ep. 10 – A Fiber-rich diet

[TO BE TRANSLATED. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP PLEASE WRITE TO MICALOSAPEVO@PIBINKO.ORG] [riassunto delle puttanate precedenti: ai primi di novembre Jack O’Malley e Mauro Tirannosauro ricevono una chiamata dall’alto (dell’Italia) per andare a geosuonare al Politecnico di Milano. Sulla base di questo spunto, risentono Dario Canal e Simone Sandrucci per rimettere insieme la banda … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back. Ep. 10 – A Fiber-rich diet

From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano (and back) – post summary trough Nov. 15

[TO BE TRANSLATED. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP PLEASE WRITE TO MICALOSAPEVO@PIBINKO.ORG] Prima di passare alle storie della seconda settimana di preparativi per la missione a Milano, un breve ripasso delle puntate della settimana scorsa. La foto di testa è stata scattata ieri pomeriggio, domenica, nella basse della Palaiola Crew, in Valdera, dove potremmo … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano (and back) – post summary trough Nov. 15

From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back – Ep. 7 – I come from the Moon

[TO BE TRANSLATED. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP PLEASE WRITE TO MICALOSAPEVO@PIBINKO.ORG] Jack O’Malley e Mauro Tirannosauro sono rientrati in Toscana dopo la seconda missione di “scouting” a Milano. Simone è insieme al bianconiglio, Dario è preso nella didattica, a distanza e non solo, e Wolfgang ulula e manda video di strade troppo dritte … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back – Ep. 7 – I come from the Moon

From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back, Ep. 5: The Midnight Rider

[TO BE TRANSLATED. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP PLEASE WRITE TO MICALOSAPEVO@PIBINKO.ORG] Cari ascoltatori di questo pibcast: sta prendendo campo il “geoquiz” lanciato nella puntata sulla fenologia a Tatti (da non confondere con la fienologia, disciplina anch’essa molto studiata a Tatti nella zona del Pianale NdR) e proseguito con quella su Inception, abbiamo avuto … Continue reading From the Metalliferous Hills to Milano, and back, Ep. 5: The Midnight Rider