Sat. May 16, 2020 Participatory Lithology “Làiv” Show: a sneak peek on our guests (between Southern Tuscany, Piedmont, and Berlin, Germany) and connection instructions

We are on our marks for the first “phase 2” Jug Band Colline Metallifere event. Between November 2018 and February 2020 we gave some thirty performances, ranging from Tuscany, to Milano, Brescia and Germany (in the Stuttgart area). Over the past weeks we have been working to re-engineer our offer to make it can work … Continue reading Sat. May 16, 2020 Participatory Lithology “Làiv” Show: a sneak peek on our guests (between Southern Tuscany, Piedmont, and Berlin, Germany) and connection instructions

Mauro Tirannosauro before and after the “Maremma rèlli

To watch a total-adrenaline video of the special “Maremma rèlli” between Tatti and Roccatederighi, that led Mauro T. to go head over fee, you can check out this article. Vin Diesel could not stand all of it, and left the theatre as he was too impressed. Jason Statham, with all his “transporter” experience, did a … Continue reading Mauro Tirannosauro before and after the “Maremma rèlli

Should you meet a T-Rex in Tatti, Southern Tuscany

…we know, the Tuscan Metalliferous Hills, llike other rural areas, are often the setting for sighting and exotic findings. Who could ever forget about the 2011 panther, the 2007 UFO near Roccatederighi, or -going further back- the Accesa Lake crocodile? [1]. Anyhow, should you be passing around Tatti, in the Massa Marittima area (Southern Tuscany), … Continue reading Should you meet a T-Rex in Tatti, Southern Tuscany