Lithobag #18, Apr. 14, 2020: Keine Macht für Niemand

[NB: se non avete ancora guardato “Vedere la via Lattea di giorno“, il nuovo singolo di Mauro Tirannosauro feat. Liliana Cafiero, provvedete S-U-B-I-T-O!] Il prossimo Litobag ci arriva dal grande Wolfgang. Per la Litologia Partecipativa è uno dei collezionisti (vedete i campioni W nella galleria). Poi, con il cappello “Tattistampa” ci ha fatto il lettering … Continue reading Lithobag #18, Apr. 14, 2020: Keine Macht für Niemand

You shall not pass: a mash-up between two hills

When two among the most powerful wizards merge their powers, they will obtain results that not even the Lord of the Rings will counter: here is Wolfindur from Tatti with Piroman from Montecastelli Pisano (both are hamlets in Southern Tuscany). For information and booking: The audio track come from a video which recently surface … Continue reading You shall not pass: a mash-up between two hills

From Tatti, Southern Tuscany, to Germany: “geomusical” waves from the Metalliferous Hills to speak about our territories (and do something about it)

Tomorrow, Thursday May 30, AM, from Tatti, a small hamlet in the area of Massa Marittima (Southern Tuscany), there will be the kick off of a “little feat”. Little, but a feat. Picture a 70 year-old a 50 year-old, and two under 30’s, interacting almost daily for over two years now, on the grounds of … Continue reading From Tatti, Southern Tuscany, to Germany: “geomusical” waves from the Metalliferous Hills to speak about our territories (and do something about it)


This is a transcript of a March 5, 2019, radio interview Hi this is Jack O’Malley, drummer and scientific director for the Metalliferous Hills Jug Band. What we are developing as a project is something we called “geomusic”, and I would like to explain to you what this is about, in two or three points. … Continue reading Geomusic